COREX Windows host agentless check plugin for Icinga 2, v1.16
- checks Windows host over SSH
- prints performance data for Icinga 2 Graphite Module ( and other solutions like Graphite )
- available subcommands: cpu, disk-health, disk-io, disk-usage, memory, network, procs, swap, user-logged-on, user-count, winfo
- warning/critical thresholds for each separate subcommands
- for more details run --help
# cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
# ./ --hostname --sshuser john.doe --sshkey /var/lib/nagios/.ssh/idrsa --subcommand cpu --warning 70 --critical 90
OK - CPU usage is 14.5 %. | usage=14.5%;70;90;0;100
# cd /usr/lib/nagios/plugins
# ./ --hostname --sshuser john.doe --sshkey /var/lib/nagios/.ssh/idrsa --subcommand disk-usage --warning 80 --critical 90
WARNING - C (No label) drive usage is 82.17 % (188.94 GB / 229.95 GB). |C=188.94GB;183.96;206.96;0;229.95
OK - D (backup) drive usage is 0.26 % (0.13 GB / 50.0 GB). |D=0.13GB;40.0;45.0;0;50.0
- v1.16
- waiting for bugs or feature requests (-:
- version v1.16: bugfix, disk-io check failed when running a service with a space character in the service name.
- version v1.15: update performance output for disk-usage when drive does not have drive letter e.g. System (boot) or recovery partition.
- version v1.14: add new feature: disk-io. Checks disk I/O usage and most disk-IO usage processes.
- [initial release] version 1.13