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Themr allows you to quickly and easily cycle forward, backward, or randomly through your available UI themes using the command palette or keyboard shortcuts.


  • Full compatibility with Sublime Text 2 and 3.
  • Allows themes to be favorited for even faster access.
  • Automatically loads all available .sublime-theme files, including those found inside .sublime-package files.
  • Configure all customizable theme settings without checking the theme readme or manually scanning the theme file. [ST3 ONLY]


Install Themr through Package Control or download and extract it into your Sublime Text Packages folder.


Toggle Theme Settings by Eibbor


Themr: List themes displays all the available themes in alphabetical order.

  • Default binding: Ctrl F5 (Windows/Linux) Cmd F5 (OSX)

Themr: Next theme switches immediately to the alphabetically next theme.

  • Default binding: Ctrl F7 (Windows/Linux) Cmd F7 (OSX)

Themr: Previous theme switches immediately to the alphabetically previous theme.

  • Default binding: Ctrl F8 (Windows/Linux) Cmd F8 (OSX)

Themr: Random theme switches immediately to a random theme that you have installed.

  • Default binding: Ctrl F10 (Windows/Linux) Cmd F10 (OSX)

Themr: Toggle Theme Settings displays a list of toggleable settings supported by your current theme.


Themr: Add current theme to favorites and Themr: Remove current theme from favorites add and remove the currently selected theme to your favorites list.

  • You can also edit your favorites list manually through Preferences > Package Settings > Themr.

Themr: List favorite themes displays your favorite themes in alphabetical order.

  • Default binding: Ctrl Shift F5 (Windows/Linux) Cmd Shift F5 (OSX)

Themr: Next favorite theme switches immediately to the alphabetically next theme in your favorites.

  • Default binding: Ctrl Shift F7 (Windows/Linux) Cmd Shift F7 (OSX)

Themr: Previous favorite theme switches immediately to the alphabetically previous theme in your favorites.

  • Default binding: Ctrl Shift F8 (Windows/Linux) Cmd Shift F8 (OSX)

Themr: Random favorite theme switches immediately to a random theme in your favorites.

  • Default binding: Ctrl Shift F10 (Windows/Linux) Cmd Shift F10 (OSX)

Other Notes

When changing between themes, Sublime Text may need be restarted to fully clear the old theme settings and apply the new theme settings. Switching themes within the same family (e.g. Soda Light <-> Soda Dark) usually doesn't cause any issues.