Tinymotd generate a configurable dynamic motd via shell script
- Easy configuration and customisation
- Tiny (<100kb) optimized scripts
- Minimal dependencies
- Many widgets: docker, lxc, apt, pacman, certificates, disks, ...
The automated install use systemd timer or cron and bashrc.
To install this, with root rights:
- Clone the repo
- Install:
./install -u <user>
- Configure layout:
vim ./config
- Configure widgets:
vim ./widgets/<widget-name>
- Run interactively:
The script runs:
- every hour for system information (cpu, disks, ...)
- every day for other information (certificates, packages, ...)
To install manually, with root rights:
- Clone the repo
- Configure layout:
vim ./config
- Configure widgets:
vim ./widgets/<widget-name>
- Run interactively:
- Generate a static motd file:
./generate > ./data/motd
- Use the jobs scheduler of your choice to regenerate motd (for instance systemd timer or cron)
- Add a print of your motd file at login (for instance in