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A simple, lightweight javascript library for adding slide transitions to your page. No dependencies required.

Tested on Chrome 26.0, Firefox 20.0, Safari 5.1.7, IE 10, Opera 16.0. Limited support for IE8/9.

Check out the demo here.


  • Add as many Slidr's as you want - even place them within each other.
  • Dynamic resizing - adapts to the size of its content, unless you don't want it to.
  • Keyboard navigation - move your cursor on top of a Slidr, and hit the arrow keys!
  • Touch navigation (mobile) - change slides by swiping left, right, up or down!


Include either slidr.js or slidr.min.js somewhere at the bottom of your html page, after the body content.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/slidr.min.js"></script>


slidr.js works on any inline, inline-block or block elements with an id defined. Valid slides include any first-level children elements with the data-slidr attribute set to some unique value within the parent scope. For example:

<ul id="slidr-ul" style="display: inline">
  <li data-slidr="one">apple</li>
  <li data-slidr="two">banana</li>
  <li data-slidr="three">coconut</li>

<div id="slidr-img" style="display: inline-block">
  <img data-slidr="one" src="/static/images/apple.png"/>
  <img data-slidr="two" src="/static/images/banana.png"/>
  <img data-slidr="three" src="/static/images/coconut.png"/>

<div id="slidr-div" style="display: block">
  <div data-slidr="one">apple</div>
  <div data-slidr="two">banana</div>
  <div data-slidr="three">coconut</div>

are all valid html markup for creating three different Slidr's within the same page. (inline elements are transformed into inline-blocks in order to apply transitions).


A global slidr object is available for calling. The most minimal way of creating a slidr is this:


create() accepts an optional settings parameter as its second argument. A call with all the settings toggled looks like so:

slidr.create('slidr-id', {
  after: function(e) { console.log('in: '; },
  before: function(e) { console.log('out: '   e.out.slidr); },
  breadcrumbs: true,
  controls: 'corner',
  direction: 'vertical',
  fade: false,
  keyboard: true,
  overflow: true,
  theme: '#222',
  timing: { 'cube': '0.5s ease-in' },
  touch: true,
  transition: 'cube'


Full details on available settings listed below:

Parameter Type Default Description
after function no-op Callback function after a slide transition finishes.
before function no-op Callback function before a slide transition begins.
breadcrumbs bool false Show or hide breadcrumbs on start(). true or false.
controls string border Show or hide control arrows on start(). border, corner or none.
direction string horizontal The default direction for new slides. horizontal or h, vertical or v.
fade bool true Whether slide transitions should fade in/out. true or false.
keyboard bool false Whether to enable keyboard navigation upon mouseover. true or false.
overflow bool false Whether to overflow transitions at slidr borders. true or false.
pause bool false Whether to pause on mouseover when running in auto(). true or false.
theme string #fff Sets color theme for breadcrumbs/controls. #hexcode or rgba(value).
timing object {} Custom animation timings to apply. {'transition': 'timing'}.
touch bool false Whether to enable touch navigation for mobile devices. true or false.
transition string linear The default transition to apply. cube, linear, fade, or none.

The before and after callback functions return the following metadata:

  id: "slidr-id",
  in: {
    el: #<HTMLElement>,
    slidr: "data-slidr-in",
    trans: "transition-in",
    dir: "direction-in"
  out: {
    el: #<HTMLElement>,
    slidr: "data-slidr-out",
    trans: "transition-out",
    dir: "direction-out"

Global API

The global slidr namespace provides the following function calls:

 * Current version.
 * @return {string} major.minor.patch.
 function version() {};

 * Available transitions.
 * @return {Array} of transitions.
 function transitions() {};

 * Creates and returns a Slidr.
 * Calling create on the same element twice returns the already instantiated Slidr.
 * @param {string} id The element id to turn into a Slidr.
 * @param {Object=} opt_settings Settings to apply.
 function create(id, opt_settings) {};

Slidr API

For javascript control, you can save a reference to the Slidr object as follows:

// Initialize a Slidr. 
// Display breadcrumbs, overflow transitions, use cube transition.
var s = slidr.create('slidr-api-demo', {
  breadcrumbs: true,
  overflow: true

// Add horizontal slides with default linear transition.
// The extra "one" allows the slidr to circle back and loop infinitely.
s.add('h', ['one', 'two', 'three', 'one']);

// Add vertical slides using a cube transition.
s.add('v', ['five', 'four', 'three', 'five'], 'cube');

// Now start.

Slidr functions are fully chainable (where it makes sense to do so). The following is equivalent:

var s = slidr.create('slidr-api-demo', {
  breadcrumbs: true,
  overflow: true
}).add('h', ['one', 'two', 'three', 'one'])
  .add('v', ['five', 'four', 'three', 'five'], 'cube')

The full list of available functions in a Slidr object is listed below:

 * Start the Slidr!
 * Automatically finds slides to create if nothing was added prior to calling start().
 * @param {string} opt_start `data-slidr` id to start on.
 * @return {this}
 function start(opt_start) {};

 * Check whether we can slide.
 * @param {string} next a direction ('up', 'down', 'left', 'right') or a `data-slidr` id.
 * @return {boolean}
 function canSlide(next) {};

 * Slide!
 * @param {string} next a direction ('up', 'down', 'left', 'right') or a `data-slidr` id.
 * @return {this}
 function slide(next) {};

 * Adds a set of slides.
 * @param {string} direction `horizontal || h` or `vertical || v`.
 * @param {Array} ids A list of `data-slidr` id's to add to Slidr. Slides must be direct children of the Slidr.
 * @param {string=} opt_transition The transition to apply between the slides, or uses the default.
 * @param {boolean=} opt_overwrite Whether to overwrite existing slide mappings/transitions if conflicts occur.
 * @return {this}
 function add(direction, ids, opt_transition, opt_overwrite) {};

 * Automatically advance to the next slide after a certain timeout. Calls start() if not already called.
 * @param {int=} opt_msec The number of millis between each slide transition. Defaults to 5000 (5 seconds).
 * @param {string=} opt_direction 'up', 'down', 'left', or 'right'. Defaults to 'right'.
 * @param {string=} opt_start The `data-slidr` id to start at (only works if auto is called to start the Slidr).
 * @return {this}
 function auto(opt_msec, opt_direction, opt_start) {};

 * Stop auto transition if it's turned on.
 * @return {this}
 function stop() {};

 * Set custom animation timings.
 * @param {string|Object} transition Either a transition name (i.e. 'cube'), or a {'transition': 'timing'} object.
 * @param {string=} opt_timing The new animation timing (i.e "0.5s ease-in"). Not required if transition is an object.
 * @return {this}
 function timing(transition, opt_timing) {};

 * Toggle breadcrumbs.
 * @return {this}
 function breadcrumbs() {};

 * Toggle controls.
 * @param {string=} opt_scheme Toggle on/off if not present, else change layout. 'border', `corner` or `none`.
 * @return {this}
 function controls(opt_scheme) {};


Temporary scrollbar during transitions

On some browsers, Slidr's that transition beyond the viewport might force an unwanted temporary scrollbar to appear (although this won't affect the page, the flickering can still be annoying). To fix this, add the following CSS:

body {
  overflow: hidden;

Dynamic resize

Slidr follows a fairly straightforward heuristic for figuring out what it's width or height should be. If the width and height is explicitly set, Slidr will not resize. Otherwise, it will always adapt to the size of its content. You can also set just one and it'll dynamic resize the other.

If min-width and min-height is defined, Slidr will only resize if the content exceeds those bounds.

Dynamically resizing (no width/height set):

<div id="slidr-inline-dynamic" style="display: inline">
  <div data-slidr="one">good</div>
  <div data-slidr="two">gorgeous</div>
  <div data-slidr="three">unbelievable</div>

Static sizing (width and height set):

<div id="slidr-inline-static" style="display: inline; width: 155px; height: 30px">
  <div data-slidr="one">good</div>
  <div data-slidr="two">gorgeous</div>
  <div data-slidr="three">unbelievable</div>

Slidr controllers

Slidr controllers are marked up like so:

<aside id="{slidr-id}-control">
  <div class="slidr-control up"></div>
  <div class="slidr-control down"></div>
  <div class="slidr-control left"></div>
  <div class="slidr-control right"></div>

You can customize the look of Slidr controls through CSS selectors like below:

// Customizing a specific controller arrow.
aside[id="{slidr-id}-control"] .slidr-control.right {
  width: 50px !important;
  height: 50px !important;
  top: 50% !important;
  margin-top: -25px !important;
  right: -25px !important;
  border-radius: 25px;
  background: url('/static/images/arrow_right.png') 14px 13px no-repeat black;
  opacity: 0.4;

aside[id="{slidr-id}-control"] .slidr-control.right:hover {
  opacity: 1;

Note: controller arrows make use of the :after pseudo element. To hide the default triangular arrow, use the following CSS:

// Hide a single arrow within a single controller.
aside[id="{slidr-id}-control"] .slidr-control.right:after {
  border-color: transparent !important;

// Hide all arrows within a single controller.
aside[id="{slidr-id}-control"] .slidr-control:after {
  border-color: transparent !important;

// Hide all Slidr arrows.
aside[id*="-control"] .slidr-control:after {
  border-color: transparent !important;   

Slidr breadcrumbs

Slidr breadcrumbs have a similar HTML markup. Each ul denotes an entire row, while each li denotes an individual breadcrumb:

<aside id="{slidr-id}-breadcrumbs">
  <ul class="slidr-breadcrumbs">
    <li class="normal"></li>
    <li class="normal active"></li>

Thus you can configure them like so:

// Customize the position, size, border color and background color.
aside[id="{slidr-id}-breadcrumbs"] {
  right: 50% !important;
  margin-right: -41px !important;

aside[id="{slidr-id}-breadcrumbs"] .slidr-breadcrumbs li {
  width: 15px !important;
  height: 15px !important;
  margin: 3px !important;

aside[id="{slidr-id}-breadcrumbs"] .slidr-breadcrumbs li.normal {
  border-color: white !important;

aside[id="{slidr-id}-breadcrumbs"] .slidr-breadcrumbs {
  background-color: black !important;

In the worst case, feel free to create your own controllers and access via the Slidr API instead!

For further questions or issues, visit here.


This software is free to use under the MIT license.