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Package of common FAIB Data Analysis and Data Management team functions, focusing on functions to import vector into PG in the gr_skey grid lookup table.

Dependencies and installation


PostgreSQL Configuration

  1. Requires database with the following extensions enabled:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster;
  1. Requires the following schemas:
  1. Ensure pgpass file is setup. Either by adding an environment variable PGPASSWORD with your postgres password OR saving the file on Windows at %APPDATA%\postgresql\pgpass.conf where the file format is: hostname:port:database:username:password

R First Time Configuration

Currently defaults to using variables setup with keyring lib. Example of two common use cases: Set up environment variables to connect to "localpsql"

key_set("dbuser", keyring = "localpsql", prompt = 'Postgres keyring dbuser:')
key_set("dbpass", keyring = "localpsql", prompt = 'Postgres keyring password:')
key_set("dbhost", keyring = "localpsql", prompt = 'Postgres keyring host:')
key_set("dbname", keyring = "localpsql", prompt = 'Postgres keyring dbname:')

Set up environment variables to connect to "oracle"

key_set("dbuser", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring dbuser:')
key_set("dbpass", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring password:')
key_set("dbhost", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring host:')
key_set("dbservicename", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring serviceName:')
key_set("dbserver", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring server:')

Example of confirming your inputs:

## pg variables
key_get("dbuser", keyring = "localpsql")
key_get("dbpass", keyring = "localpsql")
key_get("dbhost", keyring = "localpsql")
key_get("dbname", keyring = "localpsql")

## oracle variables
key_get("dbuser", keyring = "oracle")
key_get("dbpass", keyring = "oracle")
key_get("dbhost", keyring = "oracle")
key_get("dbservicename", keyring = "oracle")
key_get("dbserver", keyring = "oracle")

Example of how to update your keyring when your BCGW password changes and you receive an error like this:

Error: Failed to fetch row : ERROR:  cannot authenticate connection to foreign Oracle server
DETAIL:  ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied

Fix: update your oracle keyring with your new password

key_set("dbpass", keyring = "oracle", prompt = 'Oracle keyring password:')


R library import


1. Importing Spatial Data into postgres gr_skey tables


The above function creates two tables in PG database. It creates a raster table named raster.grskey_bc_land and an additional table (tablename specified by dst_tbl argument, default is whse.all_bc_gr_skey). The second table is the raster table converted to table with a geometry field (geom) representing the raster centroids. Note: table specified by dst_tbl argument, default is whse.all_bc_gr_skey, is the gr_skey_tbl argument that should be specified in combination with rslt_ind and suffix.

Function takes the following inputs. Default values listed below:

    template_tif      = 'S:\\FOR\\VIC\\HTS\\ANA\\workarea\\PROVINCIAL\\bc_01ha_gr_skey.tif',
    mask_tif          = 'S:\\FOR\\VIC\\HTS\\ANA\\workarea\\PROVINCIAL\\BC_Boundary_Terrestrial.tif',
    crop_extent       = c(273287.5,1870587.5,367787.5,1735787.5), ## c(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
    out_crop_tif_name = ## no default
    pg_conn_param     = dadmtools::get_pg_conn_list(),
    dst_tbl           = 'whse.all_bc_gr_skey'

Example function call using all defaults and specifying out_crop_tif_name:

    out_crop_tif_name = 'C:\\projects\\data\\gr_skey_grid.tif'

2. Fill in configuration input csv file (i.e. see example)

Column names must match template above. Field description:

  • src_type: Type of source file. raster option will only work when the raster matches the spatial resolution (100x100), alignment and projection (BC Albers) of the gr_skey grid. Example gr_skey file: S:\FOR\VIC\HTS\ANA\workarea\PROVINCIAL\bc_01ha_gr_skey.tif
    • Options: gdb, oracle, raster, geopackage, gpkg, shapefile, shp
  • src_path: Source path.
    • When srctype = oracle then bcgw
    • When srctype = gdb or raster or shp or geopackage then full path and filename
  • src_lyr : Layer name
    • When src_type = oracle, provide oracle schema and layer name, e.g. WHSE_FOREST_VEGETATION.bec_biogeoclimatic_poly
    • When src_type = gdb, provide layername within the file geodatabase, e.g. tsa_boundaries_2020
    • When src_type = shp|shapefile, provide the shapefile name without extension, e.g. k3o_cfa
    • When src_type = gpkg|geopackage, provide the layername within the geopackage, e.g. FireSeverity_Final
    • When src_type = raster, argument not used in import. It is imported into metadata table.
  • suffix : Optional argument. Argument ignored unless rslt_ind = 1. When rslt_ind = 1, suffix used for column name creation in foreign table lookup, e.g. pgid_<suffix>
  • dst_schema : Postgres destination schema name.
    • E.g. whse
  • dst_tbl : Postgres destination table name.
    • E.g. forest_harvesting_restrictions_july2023
  • query : Optional argument to filter source layer. When src_path = 'bcgw', argument is applied to postgres fdw layer. Otherwise, argument used within ogr2ogr call.
    • E.g. rr_restriction is not null OR rr_restriction = '01_National Park' OR strgc_land_rsrce_plan_name like '%Klappan%'
  • inc : Required argument whether to include layer when script is ran.
    • 0 = exclude
    • 1 = include
  • rslt_ind : When set to 1, used in combination with suffix and gr_skey_tbl (gr_skey_tbl is argument to batch_import_to_pg_gr_skey and import_to_pg_gr_skey). Option to add pgid_<suffix> for the specific imported table to previously imported PG gr_skey_tbl (Eg. whse.all_bc_gr_skey)
    • 1 = include (i.e. will add primary key to gr_skey_tbl)
    • 0 = not included (i.e. will not add primary key to gr_skey_tbl)
  • flds_to_keep : By default, all fields are retained. Use this field to filter fields to keep. Format is comma separated list (no spaces)
  • notes : Notes
    • E.g. This layer is very important because bee boop.

Use the rslt_ind field in Step 2's configuration input csv to indicate if the pgid_<suffix> primary key will be added to the gr_skey geometry table.

3. Add datasets to postgres from csv input by calling


Function takes the following inputs. Default values listed below:

    in_csv            = 'config_parameters.csv',
    pg_conn_param     = dadmtools::get_pg_conn_list(),
    ora_conn_param    = dadmtools::get_ora_conn_list(),
    crop_extent       = c(273287.5,1870587.5,367787.5,1735787.5), ## c(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax)
    gr_skey_tbl       = 'whse.all_bc_gr_skey',
    raster_schema     = 'raster',
    template_tif      = 'S:\\FOR\\VIC\\HTS\\ANA\\workarea\\PROVINCIAL\\bc_01ha_gr_skey.tif',
    mask_tif          = 'S:\\FOR\\VIC\\HTS\\ANA\\workarea\\PROVINCIAL\\BC_Boundary_Terrestrial.tif',
    data_src_tbl      = 'whse.data_sources',
    out_tif_path      = ## no default
    import_rast_to_pg = FALSE

Example usage using defaults:

    in_csv            = 'C:\\projects\\data\\config_parameters.csv',
    out_tif_path      = 'C:\\projects\\data\\'
