Make sure you have both ImageMagick (for image rendering) and GhostScript (for custom text rendering) installed:
On macOS:
brew install imagemagick
brew install gs
NOTE: This library was tested only using ImageMagick version >7. It's not guaranteed it will work with older versions.
pip install embroidery
embroidery --file icon.png --text BETA
embroidery --file icon.png --color 33cc60 --text BETA
embroidery --file icon.png --color FF00FF-FFFF00 --text BETA
embroidery --file icon.png --color FF00FF-FFFF00 --text BETA --text-color 333
embroidery --file icon.png --color FF00FF-FFFF00 --text BETA --position TL
$ embroidery --help
Usage: embroidery [OPTIONS]
-f, --file PATH Image to apply embroidery. [required]
-c, --color TEXT Background color. Defaults to black.
-t, --text TEXT Text on top of embroidery. Defaults to None.
-k, --text-color TEXT Defaults to white.
-p, --position [TL|TR|BL|BR] Top Left, Top Right (default), Bottom Left,
Bottom Right.
-o, --output TEXT Path for result image. Defaults to image name
--help Show this message and exit.
Coming soon
This project is distributed under the MIT License.