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Demultiplexing Illumina sequencing reads

Getting Started


This script was tested for python 3.6 only, and the following two modules are required, (recommend conda to manage the modules)

Recommend create a ENV for demx using conda

  • xopen (=0.9.0)
  • python-levenshtein (=0.12.0)
$ conda create -n demx python=3.6 xopen=0.9.0 python-levenshtein=0.12.0


No need to install the script. Just run the script directly.

  1. Clone this repo to your local machine
$ git clone
  1. It works, if you can see the following message
$ cd hiseq_demx
$ python -h

usage: [-h] -1 FQ1 [-2 FQ2] -o OUTDIR -s INDEX_CSV [--demo]
               [-m MISMATCH] [-x {1,2}] [-l BARCODE_N_LEFT]
               [-r BARCODE_N_RIGHT] [-p THREADS] [-j PARALLEL_JOBS] [-w]


optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -1 FQ1, --fq1 FQ1     read1 in fastq format, gzipped
  -2 FQ2, --fq2 FQ2     read2 in fastq format, gzipped, (optional)
  -o OUTDIR, --outdir OUTDIR
                        directory to save the reulsts
  -s INDEX_CSV, --index-csv INDEX_CSV
                        index list in csv format,
  --demo                run demo (1M reads) for demostration, default: off
  -m MISMATCH, --mismatch MISMATCH
                        mismatches allowed to search index, default: [0]
  -x {1,2}, --barcode-in-read {1,2}
                        barcode in the 5' end of, 1:read1 or 2:read2, default:
  -l BARCODE_N_LEFT, --barcode-n-left BARCODE_N_LEFT
                        bases locate on the left of barcode
  -r BARCODE_N_RIGHT, --barcode-n-right BARCODE_N_RIGHT
                        bases locate on the right of barcode
  -p THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        number of threads, default: [1]
  -j PARALLEL_JOBS, --parallel-jobs PARALLEL_JOBS
                        number of josb run in parallel, default: [1]
  -w, --overwrite       Overwrite exists files, default: off

Running the tests

It supports fastq file in the following format:

  • P7, (P5, optional) index saved in name line (1st line)

@ST-E00318:957:H7VYVCCX2:6:1101:27143:1538 1:N:0:CAGATCAT CGATCTCG

  • inline-barcode located at the beginning of read1 (or read2), (5' end)


P7 index

For Paired-end mode, ONLY P7-index from read1 were checked.

$ cd hiseq_demx/test
$ python ../ -1 idx_1.fq.gz -2 idx_2.fq.gz -o results/p7/pe -s info_idx.csv


RT ----------------------------Demx Report: BEGIN----------------------------
RT num filename                                                count  percent
RT   1 sample1                                                   536   53.60%
RT   2 sample2                                                   149   14.90%
RT   3 undemx                                                    315   31.50%
RT     sum                                                      1000  100.00%
RT -----------------------------Demx Report: END-----------------------------

-1 : path to read1 file
-2 : path to read2 file
-o : path to directory, saving the results -s : path to sample_info file (CSV) -x 1 : barcode located in read1
-l 2 : 2 bp on the left of barcode
-r 3 : 3 bp on the right of barcode
-m 0 : Number of mismatches allowed, for searching barcode

Inline Barcode

In this example, (iCLIP reads), barcode were located at the 5' end of read1, in the following format: 5'-NNN{4bp}NN---, so the following arguments are requried:

$ python ../ -1 iclip_1.fq.gz -2 iclip_2.fq.gz -o results/bc/pe -s info_iclip.csv -x 1 -l 3 -r 2 -m 0 


RT ----------------------------Demx Report: BEGIN----------------------------
RT num filename                                                count  percent
RT   1 sample1                                                   200   40.00%
RT   2 sample2                                                   100   20.00%
RT   3 undemx                                                    200   40.00%
RT     sum                                                       500  100.00%
RT -----------------------------Demx Report: END-----------------------------

-1 : path to read1 file
-2 : path to read2 file
-o : path to directory, saving the results -s : path to sample_info file (CSV) -x 1 : barcode located in read1
-l 3 : 3 bp on the left of barcode
-r 2 : 2 bp on the right of barcode
-m 0 : Number of mismatches allowed, for searching barcode

Barcode; !! Using for SE reads,

see fastx_toolkit documentation.

For this example, barcode are NNN{4nt}NN in this format, and only support reading barcode from the beginning of read, (no matter partial match).

So, We can trim first 3 bp from read, and then run the splitter:

$ zcat iclip_1.fq.gz | fastx_trimmer -f 4 | --bcfile bc.txt --bol --mismatches 0 --prefix aaaaaa. --suffix .fq

Barcode Count   Location
sample1 100     aaaaaa.sample1.fq
sample2 100     aaaaaa.sample2.fq
unmatched       100     aaaaaa.unmatched.fq
total   300

Both P7 index and Inline Barcode

In this example, inline-barcode (eCLIP-like reads) were located at the 5' end of read2, in the following format: 5'{6bp}---, so the following arguments are requried:

$ python ../ -1 idx_eclip_1.fq.gz -2 idx_eclip_2.fq.gz -o results/p7_bc/pe -s info_idx_eclip.csv -x 2 -l 0 -r 1 -m 0 


RT ----------------------------Demx Report: BEGIN----------------------------
RT num filename                                                count  percent
RT   1 sample1                                                   100   20.00%
RT   2 sample2                                                   100   20.00%
RT   3 sample3                                                   100   20.00%
RT   4 sample4                                                   100   20.00%
RT   5 undemx                                                    100   20.00%
RT     sum                                                       500  100.00%
RT -----------------------------Demx Report: END-----------------------------

-1 : path to read1 file
-2 : path to read2 file
-o : path to directory, saving the results -s : path to sample_info file (CSV) -x 2 : barcode located in read2
-l 0 : 0 bp on the left of barcode
-r 1 : 1 bp on the right of barcode
-m 0 : Number of mismatches allowed, for searching barcode

For your data

  • Prepare a sample_info.csv file, including the following columns

sample_name, P7_index, P5_index, barcode



  • Ming Wang : wangmcas{AT}


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • readfq - A python reader for fastq file, by Heng Li


demultiplexing Illumina reads







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