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Pypiserver test

Installation and usage

1) Install Docker/docker-compose (installation guide), certbot (installation guide), git, make, openssl, htpasswd
2) Clone this repository
mkdir pypiserver_test
git clone [email protected]:azhvanko/pypiserver_test.git ./pypiserver_test/
3) Generate SSL certificates for your domain (you must own the domain for which you’ll be fetching certificates and it must resolve to the public IP address where the docker container is exposed) and copy the generated certificates to ./pypiserver_test/configs/nginx/certificates/ directory
certbot certonly --standalone -d
openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096
You can also automate the renewal of your Let's Encrypt certificates (see details)
4) Create an Apache password file to be able to password protect your pypiserver instance and copy the generated passwords to ./pypiserver_test/configs/htpasswd/
htpasswd -cb .htpasswd admin admin && cp ./.htpasswd ./pypiserver_test/configs/htpasswd/admin &&\
htpasswd -b .htpasswd reader reader && cp ./.htpasswd ./pypiserver_test/configs/htpasswd/all
5) Replace the server_name directive with your domain/IP address in the ./pypiserver_test/configs/nginx/nginx.conf file
6) Run pypiserver
make start