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Retrofit, OkHttp, Flow or LiveData (Preferably Flows), Hilt for DI, SharedPreferences for User settings, Room DB

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News App

Welcome to the News App! This application provides a seamless experience for staying updated with the latest news. Here's a quick overview of the technologies and features used in the app:

Tech Stack

  • Retrofit2: Used for making network requests and handling API communication.
  • OkHttp3: Provides efficient HTTP connectivity for network operations.
  • Flow or LiveData (Preferably Flows): Utilized for reactive programming, allowing efficient data flow within the app.
  • Hilt for DI (Dagger Hilt): Employed for dependency injection to ensure a clean and modular codebase.
  • SharedPreferences: Used for storing and retrieving user settings.
  • Room DB: A local database to store and manage news data.
  • MVVM Architecture: Follows the Model-View-ViewModel architecture pattern for a well-organized and maintainable code structure.


Home Screen

  • View a list of news articles.
  • Search for news articles using the API.

News Detail

  • Click on a news article to view its detailed information.
  • Save news articles to the "Save" fragment for future reference.

Save Fragment

  • Display a list of saved news articles.
  • Click on "Read More" to open the news article in a web browser for further reading.

Language Screen

  • Change the language setting between English and Russian to customize your news content.

news app


Retrofit, OkHttp, Flow or LiveData (Preferably Flows), Hilt for DI, SharedPreferences for User settings, Room DB






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