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{> jtmpl 0.1.1


jtmpl is a DOM-aware templating engine. It renders a Mustache HTML template using a model object and infers bindings from template structure, so when model changes DOM is updated accordingly and vice versa.

There's never need to touch the DOM directly, model is the single source of truth


  • embrace KISS and DRY

  • write least amount of code possible, enjoy conceptual simplicity

  • ideas by humans, automation by computers

  • extend the concept of a templating engine with the most essential feature of JavaScript MVC frameworks—data-binding

  • do not require explicit hooks, boilerplate initialization code or invent a JavaScript-based DSL to build the DOM—template already contains relations between model properties and HTML tags (which result in DOM nodes), so leverage this

jtmpl enables you to focus on structure and data and not worry about DOM synchronization. If you already know HTML, JavaScript and Mustache, the learning curve is non-existent. Check the Kitchensink demo.


  1. Compile template using a model object into a valid HTML string (with added metadata)

    Stage1 can be processed server-side or browser-side

  2. Using Stage1 output generate DOM and bind elements properties to model properties

Hello, world

Stage1 is a template compiler:

$ jtmpl('Hello, {{who}}', { who: 'server' })

Hello, <span data-jt="who">server</span>

Stage2 renders live DOM structure:

<iframe src="" style="border:0; border-left:1px dotted black; height:4em"></iframe>
$ hello.html

<!doctype html>
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- View -->
  <script id="view" type="text/html">
    Hello, {{who}}
    <button onclick={{click}}>{{buttonText}}</button>

  <!-- Model (View is controlled implicitly) -->
    model = {
      who: 'browser',
      buttonText: 'Shout',
      click: function() {
        with (this) {
          if (who == 'browser') {
            who = 'BROWSER'; 
            buttonText = 'Keep quiet';
          else {
            who = 'browser'; 
            buttonText = 'Shout again';

    jtmpl("#view", "#view", model)


  • no dependencies

  • less than 5KB minified and gzipped

  • Firefox, Chrome, Opera, IE 9




  • jtmpl('template or "#element-id"', model)—compiles template string (or #element-id innerHTML) using model

  • jtmpl('#target-id' or domElement, 'template contents or "#template-id"', model)—compiles a template using model, injects it into target and binds it to model.

    • template contents can be already prerendered by server to save the client some processing and help for SEO
    • if target is a script tag (of type="text/html" or similar), then it is replaced with a div. This makes possible directly converting a template, embedded in a clean way, into a DOM node
  • Deprecated jtmpl(selector)—returns an array, just a handy wrapper around document.querySelectorAll. Will remove this feature, as jtmpl(string) syntax will probably be used for something more consistent

Template specifics

  • limitation by design is the contents of each section must be valid structural HTML, you cannot freely mix Mustache and HTML tags

  • variables are automatically enclosed in a <span> if they aren't HTML tag contents already

  • similarly, sections are automatically enclosed in a <div> if needed

  • and the same goes for section items

  • all default enclosing tags are configurable

  • data-jt attributes containing metadata for Stage2 are injected in HTML elements

  • Stage1 also emits section structures (with changed delimiters) embedded in HTML comments

Interpretation of patterns

  • <tag>{{var}}</tag>—Whenever var changes, tag.innerHTML changes

  • <tag prop="{{var}}"—If var is null property is absent, otherwise equals var

  • <tag prop="{{bool_var}}"—If bool_var is true property is present, otherwise absent

  • <tag class="{{class-name}} other-classes">class-name is expected to be boolean indicating if tag currently has this class

  • <tag value="{{var}}">—When var changes tag.value changes and vice versa

  • <tag><!-- {{var}} --></tag>—HTML comment is stripped when it contains one Mustache tag. This enables wrapping template tags in HTML comments, if you are concerned about template code being valid HTML

  • <tag onevent="{{handler}}">on-prefixed properties are event handlers. handler is expected to be a function, handler's this is the context in which the handler has been attached. No need to add onchange handlers, DOM element values and model are already synced.

Currently, events are directly bound to elements for simplicity, plans are to use event delegation on section root node instead, for efficient handling of large collections. This will happen transparently and won't concern existing handlers semantics.

  • <tag> {{#section}}...{{/section}} </tag>—Whenever section array changes <tag> children, that are affected (and only they) change. There are no restrictions on the nesting level.

Planned features

  • comments

  • partials (template include)

    • {{>var_template_id_or_url}}
    • {{>"#template-id"}}
    • {{>"//xhr-fetch-template.url"}}

    "http:" or "https:" part can be omitted, so it'll inherit current scheme

    Included templates inherit their parent context.

  • blocks and template inheritance akin to Django template inheritance

    <script id="base" type="text/html">
      {{ primary_block}}
        Block contents is template code, of course
      {{ secondary_block}}
        Some secondary content
    <script id="descendant" type="text/html">
      {{ primary_block}}
        Will override #base's primary_block content
      {{ secondary_block}}
        If this block was non-existent, you would see "Some secondary content" from #base

    Syntax inspired by Dust

  • refactor in "everything is a plugin" style and figure out a plugin system

Kitchen Sink

Showcase of all features, tests

Link to example

$ kitchensink.html

<!doctype html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
    body {line-height: 24px;}
    h2, h3 {margin-top: 64px}
    .bound-class {
      -webkit-transition:color 0.5s ease-in;  
      -moz-transition:color 0.5s ease-in;  
      -o-transition:color 0.5s ease-in;  
      transition:color 0.5s ease-in;
  <script src=""></script>
  <script src=""></script>

  <div class="wrapper">
    <script id="kitchensink" type="text/jtmpl">

            <h1><span>{&gt;</span> <a href="">jtmpl</a></h1>
      <h2>KitchenSync&mdash;feature explorer</h2>
        Feel free to modify <code>model</code> from JS console and observe changes.

      <h3>Toggle text</h3>
      <a href="" onclick='{{toggle}}'>Toggle <code>model.text</code></a>
      <h3>Data binding</h3>
        <label for="field">Enter something</label> <input id="field" value={{field}}>
        <code>model.field</code> = "{{field}}"
        <code>model.field</code> is empty

      <h3>Data binding, toggle class</h3>
            <input type="checkbox" checked="{{bound-class}}">
      <p class="{{bound-class}}">Lorem ipsum ...</p>

      <h3>Checkboxes toggling "if" sections</h3>
          <label><input type="checkbox" checked={{fooCheck}}> check foo</label>
          <label><input type="checkbox" checked={{barCheck}}> check bar</label>
        <p><code>model.checkboxes.fooCheck</code> is checked<p>
        <p><code>model.checkboxes.barCheck</code> is checked<p>

      <h3>Select and radiogroup</h3>
          <option selected={{checked}}>{{text}}</option>
      <h5><code>model.options</code> again</h5>
        <label><input type="radio" name="radio-group" checked={{checked}}>{{text}}</label>

      <div><!-- {{{innerHTML}}} --></div>
      <!-- `jtmpl` accepts tags in HTML comments and automatically strips them -->

      <h3>Nested collections</h3>
      <ul class="dummy-class just for the_test">
          <button onclick={{innerPush}}>push</button>
          <button onclick="{{innerPop}}" disabled={{popDisabled}}>pop</button>
            {{^inner}}<div>&lt; empty &gt;</div>{{/inner}}
        <div>&lt; empty &gt;</div>
      <button onclick={{push}}>push</button>
      <button onclick="{{pop}}" disabled={{popDisabled}}>pop</button>


      model = {
        text: 'lowercase',

        collection: [
          { popDisabled: false, inner: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] },
          { popDisabled: false, inner: [6, 7] },
          { popDisabled: false, inner: [8, 9, 10, 11] }

        popDisabled: false,

        field: '',

        'bound-class': true,

        innerHTML: '<p>I am a paragraph, change me: <code><pre>model.innerHTML = "new HTML content"</pre></code></p>',

        options: [
          { checked: true, text: 'one' },
          { checked: false, text: 'two' },
          { checked: false, text: 'three' }

        checkboxes: {
          fooCheck: true,
          barCheck: false

        // event handlers
        toggle: function(e) {
          this.text = this.text == 'lowercase' ?
            'UPPERCASE': 'lowercase';
        push: function() {
            popDisabled: true,
            inner: []
          this.popDisabled = false;
        pop: function() {
          this.popDisabled = this.collection.length == 0;
        innerPush: function() {
          this.inner.push(parseInt(Math.random() * 100));
          this.popDisabled = false;
        innerPop: function() {
          this.popDisabled = this.inner.length == 0;

      jtmpl('#kitchensink', '#kitchensink', model);

    <h2>QUnit Blackbox Tests</h2>
    <div id="qunit"></div>
    <div id="qunit-fixture"></div>
  </div> <!-- .wrapper -->
  <script src=""></script>
  <!-- Google Analytics -->
        (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
        ga('create', 'UA-43285803-1', '');
        ga('send', 'pageview');


Mustache syntax automatic data-binding = Live templates ☆







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