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Similar to jekyll's java language development of static blog system


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Similar to jekyll's java language development of static blog system

English | 中文



Quick guide

  1. downloadpyblog.tar.gz
  2. decompression
  3. run ./
  4. open browser visit: http://localhost:4000/


Close server: ./

If ./ or ./ execution failed,you need to check the file permissions,The authorization command: chmod a x

Installation environment

Pyblog only need a java operating environment, how to configure the operating environment on the java i think that Baidu / Google will find a lot of articles, according to the contents of the article to operate

Only need to ensure that java-version java version number can be

Recommend the use of java8 version

Basic usage

Start the service, and then the blog file into the _posts folder to automatically publish blog

For configuration information, see the following configuration instructions

Directory structure

├── application.yml
├── _posts
│   └──
├── pyblog.jar
├── _sites
├── static
└── templates
Name Explanation
application.yml Pyblog unique configuration file, configure the site of the various information
_posts Blog the original file storage location, in the application.yml can be configured into other names
pyblog.jar Main program, no need to pay attention Close the service script
_site Published static page storage location Start the service script
static The static file storage location used in the template file
templates Template file location, you can add your favorite other templates, generate different styles of blog


Name Explanation
server.port Service port
debug Development mode options, if so, then modify the files under the template will immediately update the blog page, only in the development of blog templates need to open
theme Theme (both blog template) default is default (default template is located in pyblog.jar, can not be modified), you can add your favorite other templates, generate different styles of blog
url Site access address, followed by no /, otherwise the blog link will appear // phenomenon
permalink Blog link style,default is /:year/:month/:day/:title/ That is, _posts folder in the file name in the year/month/day/title, please be written in such a form, to prevent the release of the blog page is covered by the phenomenon
excerpt_separator Blog summary of the original abstract, used in the blog list show, the default for the four-line
page_size The number of posts per page displayed on the blog list
post The name of the original folder where the blog was stored
static_html The published static page holds the location name
page Whether to use paging
rss Whether to generate feed.xml
links.xx Links, like the base configuration, you can write any content, in the template directly through the ${_site.links.xx} value display on the
contacts.xx Bloggers contact, with the base configuration, you can write any content, in the template directly through the ${_site.contacts.xx} value on the show
analytics.xx Blog access statistical methods, with the base configuration, you can write any content, in the template directly through ${} value display on the
comment.xx Blog comments, with the base configuration, you can write any content, in the template directly through the ${_site.comment.xx} value on the show
other.xx Other variables, can be configured, with the base configuration, you can write any content, in the template directly through the $ {_site.other.xx} value on the show

Blog content

Front matter

Requirements: According to YAML format written in two lines between the three dashed lines, the following is a basic example:

title: hello world

Between the two lines of the two lines, you can set the predefined variables, the variables are the following:

Name Explanation
title Blog title, required
date Blog date, if not, the date before the blog file was published for the date of the blog
author Blog author
tags Blog tags, separated by spaces, can be written multiple
categories Blog categories, to space division, you can write multiple

Note: Please use UTF-8 encoding format for blog files

Write blog

The name of the blog file must be named in the format of

Blog articles contain front matter Markdown markup content, you can safely use the markdown syntax to write blog, and now only support markdown syntax

The contents of the excerpt_separator, which are configured in the configuration file, are split out of the blog digest. You can use the ${blog.excerpt}



Pyblog uses the template freemarker, the template file in the templates folder, The layout file in the templates/layout, the layout file will not participate in the generation of static pages

Create a folder, name can not be default, at the same time application.yml in the theme variable should be changed to the name of the folder you create and then the template file you create the folder, such as:

└── default
    ├── 404.ftl
    ├── archive.ftl
    ├── blog.ftl
    ├── category.ftl
    ├── index.ftl
    ├── layout
    │   ├── footer.ftl
    │   ├── header.ftl
    │   ├── layout.ftl
    │   └── paginate.ftl
    └── tag.ftl

Note: archive.ftl, category.ftl, blog.ftl, index.ftl, tag.ftl The names of these files are fixed and can not be modified to other names, Other file name can be self-defined, the page is generated by the file you set the name, the suffix for the html

For example: example.ftl -> example.html

So that you can develop their own templates, and style can be completely their own set

Tips, the development of the template when the debug mode can be opened in real time Oh

Template static resource file

Template to use the static resource file please put in the static folder, and then directly in the page can be quoted

Commonly used variables

Development of the template when the variables used to aggregate

Name Explanation
_site.theme Get the name of the template used
_site.url Site access domain name (not followed by /)
_site.page_size Get the number of blogs per page Gets whether to use paging
_site.links.xx Get the blog site of the Friends of the chain information, what can be configured to what
_site.contacts.xx Get bloggers contact, what can be configured to take what Get statistics, what can be configured to take what
_site.comment.xx Get the configuration information of the comment, what can be configured to take what
_site.other.xx Get other custom configuration information, what can be configured to take what

Common template tags


Description: Turn markdown grammar text into html grammar label

Parameters: None




Description: get all the blog

Parameters: None


  <#list blogs as blog>

Object structure


Name Type Explanation
title String Blog title
excerpt String Blog excerpt
content String Blog content
url String Blog details of the visit link, similar to: /2017/07/11/hello-world/
date String Blog release date, if the header information is not written on the date attribute, it will take the date on the file name as the blog release time
author String Blog author
categories List Blog categories
tags List Blog tags
previous Blog The last one on the current blog
next Blog The next one of the current blog


Name Type Explanation
pageNo int Current page
pageSize int Number of pages per page
list List The current page's blog list
firstPage boolean Whether it is the first page
lastPage boolean Whether it is the last page
totalPage int Total Page
totalCount int Total count