Aspose.OMR for Cloud is a REST API that helps you to perform optical mark recognition in the cloud. We provide a series of SDKs. Along with that, you can get binaries to start working immediately and recognize various OMR forms.
Developers can embed optical recognition in any type of application to extract data from images of tests, exams, questionnaires, surveys, etc. In the repository you can find examples on how to start using Aspose.OMR API in your project.
- Perform recognition of scanned photos and images for OMR operations.
- Ability to perform OMR on rotated & perspective (within 25 deg) photos.
- Extract & recognize human-marked data from scanned tests, exams, surveys, etc.
- Supports the export of OMR results to CSV file format.
- Use textual markup to generate OMR templates, generate surveys, and test sheets.
- Availability of GUI application for managing OMR templates.
- Specify the number of OMR based questions & answers in the template.
- Availability of GUI OMR editor as a cloud client.
- Provide JSON rules to perform OMR answer grading.
- Clip an area of interest from an image, save it as JPEG & perform OMR on it.
- Perform highly accurate optical mark recognition (OMR).
You can perform tasks out of the box without writing a single line of code with our GUI client. You can also refer to the client documentation.
This Perl package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:
- API version: 1.1
- Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PerlClientCodegen
You nee to install Log::Any, URI::Query, Date::Parse packages
ppm install Log::Any URI::Query Date::Parse
- Clone repository with submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
To take full advantage of Aspose.OMR for Cloud, AsposeStorageCloud-StorageApi is required. Just run ppm install AsposeStorageCloud-StorageApi
Aspose.Cloud credentials are required to use Aspose.OMR for Cloud API. You can acquire App SID and App Key by registrating at Aspose Cloud Dashboard. It will take only a couple of minutes.
use asposeomrcloud::OmrApi;
To load the models:
use asposeomrcloud::Object::AsposeResponse;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::FileInfo;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRFunctionParam;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRResponseDetails;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::OmrResponseContent;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::OmrResponseInfo;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::Payload;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::RecognitionStatistics;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::ServerStat;
use asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRResponse;
Make sure you've cloned aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data submodule, that contains all data required to run demo. In case you are missing submodules use the following git commands to initialize and update them:
git submodule init
git submodule update --remote --merge
You can check out OMR Demo project to get started with Aspose.OMR for Cloud.
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
OmrApi | post_run_omr_task | POST /omr/{name}/runOmrTask | Run specific OMR task |
- asposeomrcloud::Object::AsposeResponse
- asposeomrcloud::Object::FileInfo
- asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRFunctionParam
- asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRResponseDetails
- asposeomrcloud::Object::OmrResponseContent
- asposeomrcloud::Object::OmrResponseInfo
- asposeomrcloud::Object::Payload
- asposeomrcloud::Object::RecognitionStatistics
- asposeomrcloud::Object::ServerStat
- asposeomrcloud::Object::OMRResponse
Library uses OAUTH2 internally
.NET | Java | PHP | Python | Ruby | Node.js |
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Product Page | Documentation | API Reference | Code Samples | Blog | Free Support | Free Trial|