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A container for bootstrapping and testing AngularJS views and controllers in memory: no external process needed.


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An example AngularJS app using RequireJS and Duck-Angular is at in two combinations:

duck-angular currently relies on RequireJS.

duck-angular is a container for bootstrapping and testing AngularJS views and controllers in memory: no browser or external process needed.


duck-angular is available as a Bower package. Install it using 'bower install duck-angular'.

If you intend to set up Duck manually in an environment where RequireJS is not available, you'll need to make sure that the following libraries are available to Duck.

  • q.js
  • require.js
  • text.js
  • underscore.js
  • jquery.js

If you are using RequireJS in your app, Duck will detect it and attempt to load "angular", "underscore", "jquery", and "Q".

Your controller/service/object initialisation scripts need to have run before you use Duck-Angular. Put them in script tags, or load them using a script loader like RequireJS or Inject. If you're not using RequireJS in your app, see the example at: Angular-Toy. Here is an example taken from the AngularJS-RequireJS Seed app

// Using Mocha-as-Promised in this example
it("can reflect data that is refreshed asynchronously", function () {
  return mother.createMvc("route2Controller", "../templates/route2.html", {}).then(function (mvc) {
    var dom = new DuckDOM(mvc.view, mvc.scope);
    var interaction = new UIInteraction(dom);
    expect(dom.element("#data")[0].innerText).to.eql("Some Data");
    expect(dom.element("#data")[0].innerText).to.eql("Some New Data");
    return interaction.with("#refreshLink").waitFor(mvc.scope, "refreshData").then(function() {
      expect(dom.element("#data")[0].innerText).to.eql("Some Data");

If using RequireJS, including duck-angular as a dependency will expose duckCtor as a parameter you use in your tests. If including duck-angular using script tags, window.duckCtor will be available to you.

Initialise the application container, like so:

var duckFactory = duckCtor(_, angular, Q, $);
var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
var container = builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).build("MyModuleName", myModule, { baseUrl: "baseUrl/for/Duck/dependencies", textPluginPath: "path/to/text.js", multipleControllers: true});

The withDependencies(...) call is optional, unless you want to inject some dependency which the controller does not use directly.

The third parameter has the key multipleControllers. Unless specified, this is false. Setting this to true, allows us to inject dependencies not only into the top-level controller, but also on any nested controllers.

###General Setup and Simpler Setup

The fragment below is the most general form of a Duck-Angular setup. Note that most of the parameters are optional. The only ones that are absolutely needed are module and moduleName. If you're not using RequireJS, you'll need to specify baseUrl and textPluginPath as well.

var duckFactory = duckCtor(_, angular, Q, $);
var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
var DuckDOM = duckFactory.DOM;
var DuckUIInteraction = duckFactory.UIInteraction;

return builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies)
    .cacheTemplates(module, templatesToCache)
    .then(function (bldr) {
      return, module,
          {baseUrl: "/base", textPluginPath: "src/javascript_tests/lib/text", multipleControllers: isMultipleControllerSupportEnabled});
    .then(function (container) {
      container.addViewProcessor(function(viewHTML) { /* Processor code */ });
      return container.domMvc("controllerName", "path/to/view", controllerDependencies);
      .then(function(dom, mvc) {
        // Test code

Accordingly, the simplest form would look like something below:

var duckFactory = duckCtor(_, angular, Q, $);
var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
var DuckDOM = duckFactory.DOM;
var DuckUIInteraction = duckFactory.UIInteraction;

return, module,
          {baseUrl: "/base", textPluginPath: "src/javascript_tests/lib/text");
    .then(function (container) {
      return container.domMvc("controllerName", "path/to/view", controllerDependencies)
    .then(function(dom, mvc) {
      // Test code

##ContainerBuilder API


This method allows you to specify module-level dependencies, i.e., dependencies which will be overridden for the entire module. The dependencies are specified as simple key-value pairs, with the key reflecting the actual name of the Angular dependency. If the value is an object, it will be specified configured in Angular's DI via a provider. If the value is a function, it will be executed with two parameters, $provide and the module. This lets the developer override the dependency in whatever fashion is most appropriate. The function returns the builder object, so it can be chained, until build() is called. The exception is when cacheTemplate() or cacheTemplates() is called, in which case it returns a promise with the builder object, which you can continue to chain as usual. See cacheTemplate().

###cacheTemplate(moduleName, declaredPathToDirectiveTemplate, actualPathToDirectiveTemplate)

This is specifically to prevent template load errors when we specify templateUrl values for directives. This preloads the templateUrl into Angular's template cache. Note that this returns a promise. You will need to wait for the promise to be fulfilled, either right after the point of the call, or before the start of the test. Here's an example of how you could do this:

var setup = function(appLevelDependencies) {
  return buildContainer(appLevelDependencies).then(function (container) {
    return container.domMvc("ControllerName", "path/to/view", controllerDependencies)
var buildContainer = function (appLevelDependencies) {
  var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
  return builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).
      cacheTemplate(moduleUnderTest, "declared/path/to/directive/template", "actual/path/to/template").
      then(function (bldr) {
        return"Cinnamon", cinnamon,
            {baseUrl: "/base", textPluginPath: "src/javascript_tests/lib/text"});


If you're caching multiple templates, it's somewhat inconvenient to have to chain multiple promises for all the templates. This method lets you cache multiple templates, which you pass in as a map, keyed to the template URLs. The example below reproduces the relevant part of the single-template example above.

var buildContainer = function (appLevelDependencies) {
  var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
  return builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).
      cacheTemplates(moduleUnderTest, {
                                        "declared/path/to/directive/templateOne": "actual/path/to/template/One",
                                        "declared/path/to/directive/templateTwo": "actual/path/to/template/Two"
      then(function (bldr) {
        return"Cinnamon", cinnamon,
            {baseUrl: "/base", textPluginPath: "src/javascript_tests/lib/text"});

Note that it is entirely possible for the declared templateUrl to be the same as the path to access it; however, it may be different if you're using a test runner like Karma, which could serve static assets from a different path. This also allows a cheap form of URL rewriting if the path to your template does not match the path it actually is served from, like in Karma.

###build(moduleName, module, featureOptions)

This method will construct and return the Container. It takes in 3 parameters:

  • Module name: The module name will be the module under test.
  • Module object: This is the actual module object that will be bootstrapped.
  • Feature options: This option is required when the application is not using RequireJS. Because Duck-Angular uses the text plugin to load resources like views, it needs to know the path to the text plugin. This is where you specify both the baseUrl, and the path to the text plugin, like so:

Assuming you have text.js somewhere, simply specify that and the baseUrl.

 var container = builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).build("MyModuleName", myModule, { baseUrl: "baseUrl/for/Duck/dependencies", textPluginPath: "path/to/text.js"});

This method returns a Container object, whose API is discussed below.

The feature options object also supports setting the multipleControllers option, which controls whether you can inject dependencies only into the top-level controller, or into nested controllers as well. This is discussed in the notes under domMvc() and mvc().

The dependencies are injected using an overriding module which is constructed dynamically. This preserves the original module's dependencies.

##Container API

###mvc(controllerName, viewUrl, [dependencies], [options])

This method sets up a controller and a view, with dependencies that you can inject. Any dependencies not overridden are fulfilled using the application's default dependencies. It returns an object which contains the controller, the view, and the scope.

var options = { 
  preBindHook: function(scope) {...}, // optional
  preRenderHook: function(injector, scope) {...}, // optional
  dontWait: false, // optional
  async: false, // optional
  controllerLoadedPromise: function(controller) {...} // optional, required if async is true

return container.mvc(controllerName, viewUrl, dependencies, options).then(function(mvc) {
  var controller = mvc.controller;
  var view = mvc.view;
  var scope = mvc.scope;

// preBindHook and preRenderHook are optional.
// dontWait is optional, and has a default value of false. Set it to true, if you do not want to wait for nested ng-include partial resolution.
// async is optional, and has a default value of false. Set it to true, if your controller has to run asynchronous code to finish initialising. If asynchronous initialisation happens, Duck expects your controller to expose a promise whose fulfilment signals completion of controller setup.
// controllerLoadedPromise is required if async is true. If not provided in this situation, it will assume the controller exposes promise called loaded.

###controller(controllerName, [dependencies], [isAsync], [controllerLoadedPromise])

This method sets up only a controller without a view, with dependencies that you can inject. Any dependencies not overridden are fulfilled using the application's default dependencies. It returns the constructed controller.

return controller(controllerName, dependencies, isAsync, controllerLoadedPromise).then(function(controller) {

// isAsync is optional, and has a default value of false. Set it to true, if your controller has to run asynchronous code to finish initialising. If asynchronous initialisation happens, Duck expects your controller to expose a promise whose fulfilment signals completion of controller setup.
// controllerLoadedPromise is required if isAsync is true. If not provided in this situation, it will assume the controller exposes promise called `loaded`.

###domMvc(controllerName, viewURL, [controllerDependencies], [options]) This is a convenience wrapper over the mvc() method. It also constructs a new DuckDOM object (discussed in the DuckDOM Interaction API), and returns both the DuckDOM object, and the MVC object, in that order.

If you're using this method, remember to use spread() on the promise, instead of then() to spread the return value over the argument list, like so:

return container.domMvc(controllerName, viewUrl, dependencies, options).spread(function(dom, mvc) {

###Important Notes about mvc() and domMvc():

The latest version of Duck-Angular has initial support for nested controllers. To allow independent injection for each controller, you need to set the multipleControllers key in the featureOptions parameter in the build() method to true, like so:

var container = builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).build("MyModuleName", myModule, { baseUrl: "baseUrl/for/Duck/dependencies", textPluginPath: "path/to/text.js", multipleControllers: true});

####When multipleControllers is false or unspecified The structure of the dependencies parameter only supports injecting dependencies for the top-level controller, like so:

var controllerDependencies = { 
  // Top-level controller dependencies

####When multipleControllers is true The structure of the dependencies parameter is different in this scenario. If you have 3 controllers (one root, and 2 nested), your dependencies object will have this structure:

var controllerDependencies = {controller1: { 
                              //...Controller1 dependencies
                          controller2: { 
                              //...Controller2 dependencies
                          controller3: { 
                              //...Controller3 dependencies

You can still specify an optional $scope field directly inside controllerDependencies; this will become the scope of the root controller. This will be removed in future versions.


This method lets you retrieve any wired Angular dependency by name, like so:


###addViewProcessor(function(viewHTML) {...}) This lets you add a function which gives you the opportunity to do some preprocessing on the top-level view HTML when it's initially loaded.

var buildContainer = function (appLevelDependencies, controllerDependencies) {
  var builder = duckFactory.ContainerBuilder;
  return builder.withDependencies(appLevelDependencies).
      cacheTemplates(moduleUnderTest, {
                                        "declared/path/to/directive/template/One": "actual/path/to/template/One",
                                        "declared/path/to/directive/template/Two": "actual/path/to/template/Two"
      .then(function (bldr) {
        return"Cinnamon", cinnamon,
            {baseUrl: "/base", textPluginPath: "src/javascript_tests/lib/text"});
      .then(function (container) {
        container.addViewProcessor(function(viewHTML) { /* Processor code */ });
        return container.domMvc("controllerName", "path/to/view", controllerDependencies);

###addViewProcessors([function(html) {...}, function(html) {...}, ...]) This is simply a convenience function for passing in an array of view processors.

##Interaction API

The DuckDOM/DuckUIInteraction API lets you interact with elements in your constructed view. This only makes sense when you've set up your context using the Container.mvc() method.


This lets you access any element inside the view using standard jQuery selectors/semantics.

var DuckDOM = duckFactory.DOM;

return container.mvc(controllerName, viewUrl, dependencies, options).then(function(mvc) {
  var controller = mvc.controller;
  var view = mvc.view;
  var scope = mvc.scope;
  var dom = new DuckDOM(mvc.view, mvc.scope);


This lets you call Angular's $scope.$apply() method in a safe fashion.

###on(selector, event)

This lets you create a promise for an event on an element specified by the selector. This allows you to use promise notation without having to resort to callback mechanics.

###interactWith(selector, [value], [promise])

This lets you interact with elements whose controller behaviour is known to be synchronous. Note that $scope.$apply() is automatically invoked after each interaction, so there is no need to call it yourself.

var DuckDOM = duckFactory.DOM;

return container.mvc(controllerName, viewUrl, dependencies, options).then(function(mvc) {
  var controller = mvc.controller;
  var view = mvc.view;
  var scope = mvc.scope;
  var dom = new DuckDOM(mvc.view, mvc.scope);

  dom.interactWith("#emailAddress", "[email protected]");
  expect(dom.element("#emailAddress").val()).to.eq("[email protected]");

The interactWith() method is 'overloaded' to understand what type of element you are interacting with, so you can simply pass the second parameter where appropriate. For example:

dom.interactWith("#someDropdown", 2);
dom.interactWith("#textField", "Some Text");
dom.interactWith("#someRadio", true);

The interactWith() method can also take a third parameter promise, which it returns untouched, such that subsequent code can be chained asynchronously if needed. For example:

  return dom.interactWith("#emailAddress", "[email protected]", dom.on("#someElement", "someEvent"))
    .then(function() {
      // More assertions

###with(selector, [value]).waitFor(object, objectFunctionStringName)

This call lets you interact with elements whose controller behaviour is known to be asynchronous. In such cases, you want to wait for the asynchronous behaviour to complete before proceeding with test assertions. This method assumes that the asynchronous logic returns a promise whose fulfilment indicates the completion of the user action.

var DuckDOM = duckFactory.DOM;
var UIInteraction = Duck.UIInteraction;

return container.mvc(controllerName, viewUrl, dependencies, options).then(function(mvc) {
  var controller = mvc.controller;
  var view = mvc.view;
  var scope = mvc.scope;
  var dom = new DuckDOM(mvc.view, mvc.scope);
  var interaction = new UIInteraction(dom);
    return interaction.with("#refreshLink").waitFor(mvc.scope, "refreshData").then(function() {
      expect(dom.element("#data")[0].innerText).to.eql("Some Data");

The above example assumes that there is a method refreshData() present on the scope which returns a promise to indicate completion of the asynchronous code. The rest of the assertions will only continue after this promise as been fulfilled.

###trigger(selector, event)

This is merely a wrapper over jQuery's trigger() method, for firing events on elements. If you're using the interaction API, you merely need to write something like this:

 dom.trigger("#someId", "someEvent");


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013 Avishek Sen Gupta

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A container for bootstrapping and testing AngularJS views and controllers in memory: no external process needed.







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