Software Engineering Final Project (Spring 2023)
Contributors' names and contact info:
Deployment We will be deploying the website using AWS. Development Framework We will be using sails.js. Database We will attempt to use sails.js built in resources, if we have issues we will use MongoDB. Other We will be using Github to allow for collaboration. Why? We chose these technologies because we all have experience with them.
We will be creating a web application which will provide tools and resources to gardeners to help them create the best garden possible. We saw that there is a lack of comprehensive online tools to help gardeners keep track of their gardens, find information, and connect with others all in one place.
NovoFlowers, a NovoLand student who loves to garden but has been having a hard time keeping track of their garden care. Since they have started college they are having a hard time remembering to water their plants and all their different plants’ needs. and wants a tool that helps them keep their plants happy and healthy and to plan their garden.
Everyone from beginner to experienced gardeners (accessible to many levels of gardener) As a busy landscape gardener, I want to be able to track all of my plants’ watering schedules so that I can track the last time they were watered As a researcher, I want to be able to search for a plant so that I can learn about different plants (planting zone, watering schedules, etc)
10 features with data storage, retrieval, display, and data consistency all be demonstrated:
- Accounts
- List of plants in your garden
- List of favorite plants
- Ability to view other user’s gardens
- Database of plants that users can search
- Users can post about their gardens and ask questions
- Users can reply to posts in order to answer questions
- Users can see which plants they need to water that day/a watering schedule
- Users will have a fertilizer schedule
- Users will receive suggestions on what to plant this month
After a feature has been deemed completed and has been deployed to the test website for Flora, we will test it with a potential user of the platform For example: Family members New college students New College faculty
Feature is implemented by team member → Feature is sent to Sami or Chloe for testing → feature is tested → if feature is working, it is deployed and it moves on to user testing → if feature is not working, it is returned to the team member that was working on it for debugging
6 Sprints Spring (Thursday - Wednesday) Meeting Days: Thursdays after Algorithms at 3:20 PM Daily Scrum: 10-10:15 PM each night Retrospective Meeting - Thursdays Definition of a Complete Feature Feature has been QA Tested Total Software Cost: 15(hr per week) x 4(per person) x 6(number of weeks) = 360 human hours (360/24 = 15 days) Group Non Negotiables Be respectful Communicate about project Attend Daily Scrum and meetings