Welcome to TechKareer, the ultimate tech opportunities aggregator! Find your next gig, internship, or job right here on our platform.
Please ignore the server
and ui
folders now. Please use the app
folder instead.
Our platform is built with the following technologies:
- Next.js
- TypeScript
- Postgres
- Tailwind CSS
To get started with local development, follow these simple steps:
Navigate to the app directory:
cd app
file.cp .env.example .env.local
Setup environment variables before runnig the dev server.
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm run dev
Note: To bypass environment variable validation checks during
runtime, use:
SKIP_ENV_VALIDATION=true npm run dev # for developement
Go to
directory -
Add new environment variable in
got to
Add the environment variable validation in server or client based on the type of the variable.
Add you variable configuration in
. -
Yo're all set!
We welcome contributions from the community! However, to ensure a smooth review process and maintain the quality of our codebase, please follow these guidelines:
- Open PRs to the development branch: All pull requests should be opened against the development branch. Directly opening PRs to the main branch will result in immediate rejection.
- When opening issues or pull requests, Attach images or videos to provide additional context or illustrate the problem you're encountering
Thank you for your interest in contributing to TechKareer!