My name is Natalia Venditto, I was born in Montevideo, Uruguay 🇺🇾 and I currently work in the role of Principal Program Manager with Microsoft, leading the JavaScript and Node.js e2e developer experience and developer tools for Azure and VS Code for Azure.
I've been in tech for a while, also in the roles of Principal Solutions Architect for the Adobe tech stack, Principal Frontend Engineer at Cognizant, Senior Solutions Architect with MongoDB, and full-stack freelance developer and consultant. I'm also an international technical public speaker.
➡️ If you wanna know more about me, please visit my personal website
that I use to spread knowledge about full-stack JavaScript development, micro architectures, composability, serverless and cloud-native.
You may also want to checkout my recent video collection "What is JavaScript: Understanding JavaScript as a Non-Developer or Junior Developer Member of a Cross Functional Software Development Team" published by O'Reilly Media for which I have won the JavaScriptLandia Community Award Pathfinder for Education from the OpenJS Foundation
Link and title | Content Summary | Link and title | Content Summary |
1 - Introduction to JavaScript |
2 - JavaScript Runtime and Engines |
3 - Functions and abstractions |
4 - Variables and Data Types |
5 - Arrays, Objects and Syntactic Sugar |
6 - Control Flow and Error Handling |
7 - Scope, Closures, and Functional Programming Concepts |
8 - Document Object Model (DOM) |
9 - Events and Event Handling |
10 - Asynchronous JavaScript |
11 - Error Handling and Debugging |
12 - Runtime Performance metrics and Performance Optimization |
13 - JavaScript Modules and ES6 Features |
14 - Web Platform APIs and the JavaScript Ecosystem |
15 - Introduction to TypeScript |
16 - Transpiling, bundling and optimizing JavaScript |
17 - JavaScript frameworks |
18 - Testing in JavaScript |
19 - Server-side JavaScript with Node.js |
20 - Cloud Computing with JavaScript |
21 - Strategic planning with JavaScript |
22 - HTTP Requests and Responses and JavaScript | -
23 - Working with APIs in JavaScript |
➡️ I am currently very involved with initiatives that integrate API-First architecture patterns and tools, and portable interoperable runtimes, like WASI enabled Wasm.