indexed on PyPI - nPerlinNoise
repo on GitHub - nPerlinNoise
- A powerful and fast API for n-dimensional noise.
- Easy hyper-parameters selection of octaves, lacunarity and persistence as well as complex and customizable hyper-parameters for n-dimension frequency, waveLength, warp(interpolation) and range.
- Includes various helpful tools for noise generation and for procedural generation tasks such as customizable Gradient, Color Gradients, Warp classes.
- Implements custom PRNG generator for n-dimension and can be easily tuned.
- Technology stack:
focusing on all issues Getting Involved, follows PEP440
All Packages: releases
CHANGELOG - Future work:
optimization for octave noise
writing unit tests
writing API docs
writing pending docs
writing ReadTheDocs
finishing left in-code docs
dimensional octaves
for production dependencies see Requirements
for development dependencies see Dev-Requirements
$ pip install nPerlinNoise
for detailed instruction on installation see INSTALLATION.
Note: if the package is not being imported, try import NPerlinNoise as nPN
refer #24
>>> import nPerlinNoise as nPN
>>> noise = nPN.Noise(seed=69420)
Basic usage
Get noise values at given n-dimensional coordinates by calling noise(...)
coordinates can be single value, or an iterable
noise(..., l, m, n, ...)
where l, m, n, ..., are single values>>> noise(73) array(0.5207113, dtype=float32) >>> noise(73, 11, 7) array(0.5700986, dtype=float32) >>> noise(0, 73, 7, 11, 0, 3) array(0.5222712, dtype=float32)
noise(...., [l1, l2, ..., lx], [m1, m2, ..., mx], [n1, n2, ..., nx], ....)
where ...., are iterable of homogeneous-dimensions and lx, mx, nx, ..., are single values the output will be of same shape of input homogeneous-dimensions>>> noise([73, 49]) array([0.52071124, 0.6402224 ], dtype=float32) >>> noise([73, 49], [2, 2]) array([0.4563121 , 0.63378346], dtype=float32) >>> noise([[73], [49], [0]], ... [[2 ], [2 ], [2]], ... [[0 ], [1 ], [2]]) array([[0.4563121 ], [0.6571784 ], [0.16369209]], dtype=float32) >>> noise([[1, 2], [2, 3]], ... [[1, 1], [1, 1]], ... [[2, 2], [2, 2]]) array([[0.08666219, 0.09778494], [0.09778494, 0.14886124]], dtype=float32)
noise(..., l, m, n, ...)
has same values with trailing dimensions having zero as coordinate
noise(..., l, m, n) = noise(..., l, m, n, 0) = noise(..., l, m, n, 0, 0) = noise(..., l, m, n, 0, 0, ...)
>>> noise(73) array(0.5207113, dtype=float32) >>> noise(73, 0) array(0.5207113, dtype=float32) >>> noise(73, 0, 0) array(0.5207113, dtype=float32) >>> noise(73, 0, 0, 0, 0) array(0.5207113, dtype=float32)
grid mode allows for computing noise for every combination of coords
use noise(..., gridMode=True)
gridMode is key-word only argument, default=False
the output will be of shape equal to the length(s) of coords in that order
>>> noise([73, 49], [2, 2], [0, 1], gridMode=True) array([[[0.4563121 , 0.63378346], [0.4563121 , 0.63378346]], [[0.44863935, 0.6571784 ], [0.44863935, 0.6571784 ]]], dtype=float32) >>> noise([1, 20, 32, 64], [1, 1, 2], 0, [1, 2], gridMode=True) array([[[[0.06459193, 0.5110498 , 0.669962 , 0.47636804], [0.06459193, 0.5110498 , 0.669962 , 0.47636804], [0.09864856, 0.5013973 , 0.62935597, 0.47954425]]], [[[0.07678645, 0.50853723, 0.6778991 , 0.4679888 ], [0.07678645, 0.50853723, 0.6778991 , 0.4679888 ], [0.14069612, 0.47582665, 0.6663638 , 0.48764956]]]], dtype=float32)
for detailed usage see EXAMPLE
- docs pending
- To test Logical consistency run testLogic
- To test Profile Benchmarking run testProfile
- To test Visuals run testVisuals
- To test Colors run testCol
to see all tests see Tests
No Known Bugs
NPerlin.findBounds is bottleneck
noise(a, b, c, d, e, f, ...) is slow for single value coordinates
If you have questions, concerns, bug reports, etc. please file an issue in this repository's Issue Tracker or open a discussion in this repository's Discussion section.
Looking for Contributors for feature additions
Looking for Contributors for optimization
#11Looking for Contributors for unit testing
#12Looking for Contributors for ReadTheDocs
#13Looking for Contributors for WebApp
#14Looking for Contributors for API docs
#15- Fork the repository and issue a PR to contribute
General instructions on how to contribute CONTRIBUTING and CODE OF CONDUCT
- Inspired from The Coding Train -> perlin noise
- hash function by xxhash inspired the rand3 algo and ultimately helped for O(1) time complexity n-dimensional random generator NPrng
- StackOverflow for helping on various occasions throughout the development
- vnoise and opensimplex for ideas for
- docs derivative from open-source-project-template
- packaging help from realpython
Amith M |
Shravan Revanna |