I'm Arnaud Mimart, passionated by cloud native and Web3 ecosystems. My laziness drives me to promote the DevOps culture which I intend to represent body and soul.
I strongly believe Web 3.0 will shape our future, decentralization is a concept that resonates with me. I'm currently working on blockchain subjects as I want to contribute and build new usages.
I remain above all a developper appreciating code elegancy and lightness, although I'm not an expert, I love the functional programming way and try to give it some time whenever I can.
- 👨💼 I'm currently Protocol Engineer at Allora ( repo)
- ✌️ Egoless Programming supporter
- ⚡ Fun fact I do motocross, but I code faster
- 😍 Rust & Golang
- 🤮
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