Distributed TSDB and Query Engine, Prometheus Sidecar, Metrics Aggregator, and more such as Graphite storage and query engine.
M3 contributors and maintainers have regular meetings. Join our M3 meetup group to receive notifications on upcoming meetings: https://www.meetup.com/M3-Community/.
You can find recordings of past meetups here: https://vimeo.com/user/120001164/folder/2290331.
Members of the M3 team hold office hours on the third Thursday of every month from 11AM to 1PM Eastern Standard Time (EST). To join, make sure to sign up for a slot here: https://calendly.com/chronosphere-intro/m3-community-office-hours.
The simplest and quickest way to try M3 is to use Docker, read the M3 quickstart section for other options.
This example uses jq to format the output of API calls. It is not essential for using M3DB.
The below is a simplified version of the M3 quickstart guide, and we suggest you read that for more details.
- Start a Container
docker run -p 7201:7201 -p 7203:7203 --name m3db -v $(pwd)/m3db_data:/var/lib/m3db quay.io/m3db/m3dbnode:v1.0.0
- Create a Placement and Namespace
curl -X POST http://localhost:7201/api/v1/database/create -d '{
"type": "local",
"namespaceName": "default",
"retentionTime": "12h"
}' | jq .
- Ready a Namespace
curl -X POST http://localhost:7201/api/v1/services/m3db/namespace/ready -d '{
"name": "default"
}' | jq .
- Write Metrics
curl -X POST http://localhost:7201/api/v1/json/write -d '{
"__name__": "third_avenue",
"city": "new_york",
"checkout": "1"
"timestamp": '\"$(date " %s")\"',
"value": 3347.26
- Query Results
curl -X "POST" -G "http://localhost:7201/api/v1/query_range" \
-d "query=third_avenue" \
-d "start=$(date " %s" -d "45 seconds ago")" \
-d "end=$( date %s )" \
-d "step=5s" | jq .
curl -X "POST" -G "http://localhost:7201/api/v1/query_range" \
-d "query=third_avenue > 6000" \
-d "start=$(date -v -45S " %s")" \
-d "end=$( date %s )" \
-d "step=5s" | jq .
You can ask questions and give feedback in the following ways:
M3 welcomes pull requests, read contributing guide to help you get setup for building and contributing to M3.
This project is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.