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This repository contains a customized ckan setup originally developed by ismar for tools4msp catalogue here you can find the original repo


install Docker and docker compose

clone this repository into a local directory. To run this stack in localhost:

copy docker-compose_localhost to docker-compose.yml

move into traefik directory cd traefik

start traefik proxy docker compose up -d

Type docker-compose instead of docker compose if you use the Python tool instead of the Docker plugin, when following this README file.

This will start a traefik instance that will route the http requests to docker containers according to docker compose configuration


Move back to starting directory

  1. docker compose up --build --force-recreate -d

Ckan should be available on (http://localhost/ckan)

CKAN Setup

  1. Customize site settings
    1. Set Homepage: to the second or third choice (because of a CSS glitch)

Add admin

  1. register a new user (e.g. ckan) and Login
  2. Set your user ($USER) as administrator
    1. docker compose exec ckan ckan -c /etc/ckan/production.ini sysadmin add $USER


This command will delete all the containers and all the volumes (-v).

docker compose --profile prod down -v

For modifications to CSS with livereload

cd ckanext/ckanext-branding
npm install
npm run dev


The script generates a partial CKAN JSON schema from a data cluster spreadsheet, that can be merged into one an existing schema. It also produces a brief report in Markdown in the terminal (standard output).

  1. Be sure to have duckdb and jq installed
  2. Edit parameters SPREADSHEET and WORKSHEET to match your data cluster filename path and worksheet name
  3. Run
  4. Integrate the changes back into ckanext/ckanext-schemas/ckanext/schemas/msp_data.json

meld is the suggested graphical tool to check the differences between the complete schema file and the partial one, generated from the data cluster file. It can be executed like this:

meld ckanext/ckanext-schemas/ckanext/schemas/itoos_data.json struttura.json

Common issues

Solr "out of memory"

Problem: library initialization failed - unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory# Solution:

Datapusher cannot open URL

Example: URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address>

Datapusher tries to access the URL of the resource, which is a public URL. Make sure that the variable CKAN_SITE_URL is set to the public domain and that is reacheable from the datapusher container. http://ckan:5000 can be used when deploying locally, but make sure that /etc/hosts contains ckan as an alias for localhost.

Unexpected results in spatial queries

Solr indexes might need to be recreated:

ckan="$(docker container ls -qf name=catalogue-tools4msp-ckan)"
docker exec "$ckan" ckan search-index rebuild