Condividiamo informazioni e segnalazioni sul COVID19 - collaborative tool for algorithm investigation
alitalia / tor
Forked from torproject/torunofficial git repo -- report bugs/issues on -- no pull requests here --
A WeeChat script that adds vi-like modes, commands and keybindings.
alitalia / loopix
Forked from UCL-InfoSec/loopixThe public repository of the Loopix mix system
alitalia / systemd
Forked from systemd/systemdsystemd System and Service Manager
Scripts for Debian package/repository handling inside Jenkins
Traduzione del libro "The Rust Programming Language"
Tunnel TCP through WebSockets.
Terminal UI email client to download, filter, search and archive messages off-line
A set of scripts to root and install gapps and orbot orwall into a CopperheadOS image and re-sign it for verified boot.
ellethee / eteSkeleton
Forked from vim-scripts/eteSkeletonYet another skeleton utility
This is an implementation of IBM's Quantum Experience in simulation; a 5-qubit quantum computer with a limited set of gates. Please cite me if you end up using this academically.
# rsa_nb vigenere_nb Python programs for didactic use only just for explaining the basic working and rules of RSA and Vigenere algorithm
Code for the book "High Performance Python" by Micha Gorelick and Ian Ozsvald with OReilly
Python library for parsing network topology data (e.g.: OpenVPN, Wireguard, ZeroTier, NetJSON, Dynamic Routing Protocols) and detect changes.
Frosted: Free POSIX OS for tiny embedded devices
alitalia / book-example
Forked from hjwp/book-exampleExample code for my book on TDD with Python
Swift UITableView StoryBoard