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This class, will read the necessary information to create manifest which gives you the ability to distribute your IPA files on the fly! This class is using: CFPropertyList


  • Load IPA and Do everthing: $ipa = new aAlharthi\Ninja\IPA('file.ipa', true); // Auto=true

    • Load IPA only: $ipa = new aAlharthi\Ninja\IPA('file.ipa');
  • Extract IPA and read necessary info only: $ipa->eIPA(false, false); // (MOVE?, ICON?)

    • Move the file to $destination after: $ipa->eIPA(true, false);
    • Copy the app icon as well: $ipa->eIPA(false, true);
  • Generate a manifest: $ipa->generate();

  • Print a manifest: echo $ipa->manifest;

    • Manifest path: echo $ipa->manifestPath;
  • Read a manifest and get necessary info: $ipa->read('manifest.plist'); returns:

Array{ 'appIPA' => 'The app ipa file path', 'appName' => 'The app name', 'appVersion' => 'The app version', 'appBundleID' => 'The app bundle identifier' }
  • Get full download link (IPA): echo $ipa->link();
    • From a manifest: echo $ipa->link('manifest.plist'); returns:
itms-services://?action=download-manifest&url= $destination /manifest.plist
  • Clean temp folder: $ipa->clean();

  • Print the app name: echo $ipa->appName; or $results = $ipa->read(); echo $results['appName'];

  • Print the app version: echo $ipa->appVersion; or $results = $ipa->read(); echo $results['appVersion'];

  • Print the app bundle identifier: echo $ipa->appBundleID; or $results = $ipa->read(); echo $results['appBundleID'];

  • Print the ipa URL: echo $ipa->appIPA; or $results = $ipa->read(); echo $results['appIPA'];


To run it automatically for every .ipa file in the current dir:

foreach(glob('*.ipa') as $file){
	$ipa = new aAlharthi\Ninja\IPA($file, true); // Auto=true

Everything should be in the $destination folder (icons, IPAs, and manifests').

To distribute the apps:

foreach (glob('*.plist') as $manifest){
	$ipa =  new aAlharthi\Ninja\IPA(); // Do not load any IPA file, already done in this example
	$app = $ipa->read($manifest);
	echo '<a href="'.$ipa->link().'">'.$ipa->appName.'</a><br>'; // Create a download link (IOS devices)

Accessing the app info:

$ipa = new aAlharthi\Ninja\IPA('file.ipa');
$ipa->eIPA(false, false); // do not move the ipa and do not copy the icon 
$app = $ipa->read();
echo $ipa->appName; // Returns the app name (Direct)
echo $app['appName'];  // Returns the app name (Returned array from read())


Live demo at iOS Apps
