Silly syntactic sugar for creating relative dates and time durations with Javascript
Work with dates:
// now: 2020-06-18T10:00:00Z
1..minute.ago.asDate // 2020-06-18T09:59:00Z
2..hours.ago.asDate // 2020-06-18T08:00:00Z
3..hours.fromNow.asDate // 2020-06-18T13:00:00Z
Work with timestamps:
// now: 2020-06-18T10:00:00Z
1..minute.ago // 1592474340000
1..hour.ago // 1592470800000
1..hour.fromNow // 1592478000000
Just get the duration in milliseconds:
1..second // 1000
1..minute // 6000
1..hour // 3600000
Do math
// now: 2020-06-18T10:00:00Z
(1..hour.ago 2..minutes).asDate // 2020-06-18T09:02:00Z
Our beloved javascript allows us to run methods on primitive numbers. The thing is that
is parsed as an illegal Float number.
translates into 1.0
and so
translates into
which is totally legal Javascript.
npm i --save dotago
- load() - monkeypatch Number.prototype with dotago methods
- unload() - remove dotago methods from Number.prototype
We add the following getter methods to Number.prototype
- second/seconds
- minute/minutes
- hour/hours
- day/days
- week/weeks
- ago
- fromNow
- asDate