Born in R.A.K. raised in the greatest Island Kingdom of Bahrain
🤖 Full Stack AI Prompter Engineer, 2023. ChatGPT | DALL-E | Stability.ai | Replicate | Certified OpenAI Engineer ⌨️
🔭 I’m currently working as a Senior Broadcast Engineer in Bahrain TV since 2001
Virtual Director of VG55
AlSarya TV Show as Broadcast Game Designer
Animator + Lead Developer for alsarya.tv
Streamed & Directed many shows since 2001 📺 Enjoy it live
📺 📡 🛰 Live Stream as showcase of how a one-man show supposed to work!™ (May 2022)
Undisclosed 2023
Undisclosed 2023
VG55 2020
Bahrain TV 2001 - 2023
Undisclosed 2023
Undisclosed 1996
Undisclosed 2021
📮 Social Contacts 📬
🏆 9,742 Karma Points
🌸 Completed 0 tasks today
✅ Completed 758 tasks so far
⏳ Longest streak is 5 days
📅 Last updated: Thursday, August 31, 2023
I have accepted 2,131 completions in 20 different coding languages using Codeium from www.codeium.com!
this personal profile represents my role as a `sole developer`. Hand-crafted by Bahrain"s 🇧🇭 Finest Web Artisans ⦿ inspired by @doytech | version 1.5.2023.09.15 -> 2.2024.05.19
صفحة شخصية لأعمالي الشخصية والإحترافية في كل من القطاع العام والخاص، المهم ليس فيما ستأخذ بل من أين أخذته؟ **حفاظك على المُلكية الفكرية لغيرك هي كافية لحماية حقوقك.**
This profile was inspired by several others. 😘 awesome-README && todoist-readme && benjaminsampica