A quick set of python scripts for auto-posting an RSS or Atom feed to Mastodon. Created by AI6YR (Ben)
In order to have this script work, you need the following:
- A dedicated Mastodon user account created on a server.
- An "access key" for your app created for that user account. (under yourserver/settings/applications)
Make sure to install the following Python packages
pip3 install bs4 pillow mastodon.py feedparser
All configuration for the script will ultimately reside in config.ini
- access_token = Mastodon access token
- app_url = Mastodon server
- max_image_size = max image size accepted by server
- feed_url = URL of the RSS feed you want to query
- feed_name = What you want to name this feed
- feed_visibility = public, unlisted, etc. (per Mastodon.py)
- feed_tags = #your #additional #tags here will be appended to the toot
- feed_delay = delay in seconds between checking on the RSS/Atom feed
- feed_link = whether or not to include the "link" in RSS/Atom in the post
python3 rss2mastodon.py
python3 atom2mastodon.py
If you want to run this unattended:
nohup python3 -u rss2mastodon.py &