This package tries to provide a very simple and powerful interface to HTML(5) forms powered by bootstrap. It uses evancz/elm-html as HTML rendering backend.
See agrafix/elm-bootforms on the central elm package repo.
import Date
import Html.Form.Input as I
type alias Model =
{ date: I.FormValue String Date.Date
, name: I.FormValue String String
type Action
= Nop
| SetDate (I.FormValueAction String Date.Date)
| SetName (I.FormValueAction String String)
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init =
{ date = { userInput = "", value = Err "no date", focused = False }
, name = I.stringFormVal ""
, Effects.none
noFx : Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
noFx m = (m, Effects.none)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update a m =
case a of
Nop -> noFx m
SetDate f -> ({ m | date = I.apply f }, I.mappedEffect SetDate f)
SetName f -> ({ m | name = I.apply f }, I.mappedEffect SetName f)
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> H.Html
view addr =
H.lazy <| \m ->
H.div []
[ H.h2 [] [ text "My super form" ]
, I.dateInput
{ id = "some-date"
, label = "Date"
, helpBlock = Just "Example: 04.02.2015"
, value =
, onValue = Signal.message addr << SetDate
, I.textInput
{ id = "some-name"
, label = "The name"
, helpBlock = Just "Example: 14:35"
, value =
, onValue = Signal.message addr << SetDeparture
Install using elm-package.
- Support generating complete forms with error handling
- ...