Tags: adaszko/complgen
* Added - In zsh, for the grammar `--color=(always|never)` and input `--color=<TAB>`, you will now see `always` and `never`, not `--color=always` and `--color=never`. This generalized to all subword completions of course. - Descriptions can now contain escaped characters, e.g. a quote character or a backslash. - More readable parsing errors using the chic Rust crate - Scraper is now based on a bunch of regexes instead of a complicated parser. This simplifies the code a lot. * Changed - If multiple literals have the same decription, they're now grouped into a single line (this can be controlled with `zstyle ':completion:*' list-grouped true/false`) * Removed - Single brackets external commands as they're superfluous (replaced with triple brackets ones)