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Package xconf provides a configuration registry for an application.
Configurations can be extracted from a file / env / flag set / remote system.
Supported formats are json, yaml, ini, (java) properties, toml, plain.


$ go get -u

Configuration loaders

You can create your own configuration retriever implementing Loader interface. Package provides these Loaders for you:

  • EnvLoader - loads environment variables.
  • DotEnvFileLoader, DotEnvReaderLoader - loads configuration from a .env file / io.Reader.
  • JSONFileLoader, JSONReaderLoader - loads json configuration from a file / io.Reader.
  • YAMLFileLoader, YAMLReaderLoader - loads yaml configuration from a file / io.Reader.
  • IniFileLoader - loads ini configuration from a file.
  • PropertiesFileLoader, PropertiesBytesLoader - loads java style properties configuration from a file / bytes slice.
  • TOMLFileLoader, TOMLReaderLoader - loads toml configuration from a file / io.Reader.
  • ConsulLoader - loads json/yaml/plain configuration from a remote Consul KV Store.
  • EtcdLoader - loads json/yaml/plain configuration from a remote Etcd KV Store.
  • PlainLoader - explicit configuration provider.
  • FileLoader - factory for <JSON|YAML|Ini|DotEnv|Properties|TOML>FileLoaders based on file extension.
  • FlagSetLoader - extracts configuration from a flag.FlagSet.
  • MultiLoader - loads (and merges, if configured) configuration from multiple loaders.

Upon above loaders there are available decorators which can help you achieve more sophisticated outcome:

  • FilterKVLoader - filters other loader's configurations (based on keys and or their values).
    Example of applicability: I load configurations from environment, but I only want the ones prefixed with "MY_APP_" - I can apply this loader with FilterKVWhitelistFunc(FilterKeyWithPrefix("MY_APP_") filter function.
  • AlterValueLoader - changes the value for a configuration key.
    Example of applicability: I load configurations from environment and for a given key I want its value to be a slice (not a string as envs are read/stored by default) - I can apply this loader with ToStringList altering function.
  • IgnoreErrorLoader - ignores the error returned by another loader.
    Example of applicability: I load configuration from environment and from file (using a MultiLoader), but it's not mandatory for that file to exist (file it's just an auxiliary source for my configurations, that may exist) - I can use this loader to ignore "file does not exist" error.
  • FileCacheLoader - caches configuration from a [X]FileLoader until file gets modified (to be used if loader is called multiple times).
  • FlattenLoader - creates easy to access nested configuration leaf keys symlinks.
  • AliasLoader - creates aliases for other keys.

Configuration contract

The main configuration contract this package provides looks like:

type Config interface {
	Get(key string, def ...any) any

with a default implementation obtained with:

// NewDefaultConfig instantiates a new default config object.
// The first parameter is the loader used as a source of getting the key-value configuration map.
// The second parameter represents a list of optional functions to configure the object.
func NewDefaultConfig(loader Loader, opts ...DefaultConfigOption) (*DefaultConfig, error)

The DefaultConfig has an option of reloading configurations (interval based), if you want to retrieve updated configuration at runtime. There are 2 (proposed) ways of working with it:

  • injecting a Config reference and calling Get(key) every time you need a configuration.
  • registering your class as an observer to get notified about config changes.

Example of usage (first case) (note: code does not compile):

// cart_service.go
const (
	defaultMaxQtyCfgVal uint = 100
	maxQtyCfgKey             = "MAX_ALLOWED_QTY_TO_ORDER"

type CartService struct {
	config xconf.Config

func NewCartService(config xconf.Config) *CartService {
	return &CartService{
		config: config,

func (cartSvc *CartService) AddProduct(sku string, qty uint) error {
	// ...
	if customerType != B2B {
		totalQty := currentQty   qty
		maxQty := cartSvc.config.Get(maxQtyCfgKey, defaultMaxQtyCfgVal).(uint)
		if totalQty > maxQty {
			return ErrMaxQtyExceeded
	// ...
	return nil

func main() {
	// somewhere in the bootstrap of your application ...
	var (
		loader  xconf.Loader // = ... your desired source(s)
		config  xconf.Config
		cartSvc *CartService
	config, err := xconf.NewDefaultConfig(
		xconf.DefaultConfigWithReloadInterval(time.Minute), // reload every minute
	if err != nil {
	cartSvc = NewCartService(config)

	// somewhere in the application business flow ...
	_ = cartSvc.AddProduct("IPHONE", 1)

	// somewhere in the shutdown of your application ...
	if closableConfig, ok := config.(io.Closer); ok {
		_ = closableConfig.Close()

Example of usage (second case) (note: code does not compile):

// redis_wrapper.go
const (
	RedisHostCfgKey = "REDIS_HOST"
	DefaultRedisHostCfgVal = ""

type RedisClient interface {
	Ping() error
	Get(key string) (string, error)
	Set(key string, value any, expiration time.Duration) (string, error)
	Close() error

type RedisClientWrapper struct {
	client *redis.Client // official client
	mu     sync.RWMutex

func NewRedisClientWrapper(host string) *RedisClientWrapper {
	officialClient = ...
	return &RedisClientWrapper {
		client: officialClient,

func (wrapper *RedisClientWrapper) Get(key string) (string, error) {

	return wrapper.client.Get(key).Result()

func (wrapper *RedisClientWrapper) OnConfigChange(config xconf.Config, changedKeys ...string) {
	for _, changedKey := range changedKeys {
		if changedKey == RedisHostCfgKey { // or use strings.EqualFold() if you enabled DefaultConfigWithIgnoreCaseSensitivity.
			_ = wrapper.client.Close() // close previous client
			newClient := ... // reinitialize client based on config.Get(RedisHostCfgKey).(string)
			wrapper.client = newClient

func main() {
	// somewhere in the bootstrap of your application ...
	var (
		loader      xconf.Loader // = ... your desired source(s)
		config      xconf.Config
		redisClient RedisClient
	config, err := xconf.NewDefaultConfig(
		xconf.DefaultConfigWithReloadInterval(30 * time.Second), // reload every 30 seconds
	if err != nil {
	redisHost := config.Get(RedisHostCfgKey, DefaultRedisHostCfgVal).(string)
	redisClient = NewRedisClient(redisHost)
	config.RegisterObserver(redisClient.OnConfigChange) // register redis wrapper as an observer

	// somewhere in the application business flow ...
	_, _ = redisClient.Get("something")

	// somewhere in the shutdown of your application ...
	if closableConfig, ok := config.(io.Closer); ok {
		_ = closableConfig.Close()
	_ = redisClient.Close()

Unmarshal configuration map to structs

This is not the subject of this package, but as a mention, you can achieve that if needed, with a package like

package main

import (


type DBConfig struct {
	Host string
	Port int
	Auth Auth

type Auth struct {
	Username string
	Password string

func main() {
	var (
		jsonConfig = `{
	"db": {
		"host": "",
		"port": 3306,
		"auth": {
			"username": "JohnDoe",
			"password": "verySecretPwd"
		dbConfig    DBConfig               // the struct to populate with configuration
		dbConfigMap map[string]any // the configuration map for "db" key
		loader      = xconf.JSONReaderLoader(bytes.NewReader([]byte(jsonConfig)))

	// example using directly a Loader:
	configMap, err := loader.Load()
	if err != nil {
	dbConfigMap = configMap["db"].(map[string]any)
	if err := mapstructure.Decode(dbConfigMap, &dbConfig); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("% v", dbConfig)

	// example using the Config contract:
	config, err := xconf.NewDefaultConfig(loader)
	if err != nil {
	dbConfigMap = config.Get("db").(map[string]any)
	if err := mapstructure.Decode(dbConfigMap, &dbConfig); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("% v", dbConfig)

	// both Printf will produce: {Host: Port:3306 Auth:{Username:JohnDoe Password:verySecretPwd}}


Things that can be added to package, extended:

  • Support more formats (like HCL)
  • Add also a writer/persister functionality (currently you can only read configurations) to different sources and formats (JSONFileWriter/YAMLFileWriter/EtcdWriter/ConsulWriter/...) implementing a common contract like:
type ConfigWriter interface {
	Write(configMap map[string]any) error
  • Add a typed struct with methods like GetString, GetInt...


  • Feel free to use this pkg if you like it and fits your needs. Check also other packages like spf13/viper ...
  • To run unit tests: make test / make cover .
  • To run integration tests: make test-integration / make cover-integration : will setup Consul and Etcd docker containers with some keys in them, run ./scripts/ at the end to stop and remove containers).
  • To run benchmarks: make bench.
  • Project's class diagram can be found here.


This package is released under a MIT license. See LICENSE.
Other 3rd party packages directly used by this package are released under their own licenses.