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mirage ( for Amazon ECS

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mirage-ecs - reverse proxy frontend for Amazon ECS

mirage-ecs is a reverse proxy for ECS tasks and a manager for the tasks.

mirage-ecs can run and stop ECS tasks and proxy HTTP requests to the tasks with a specified subdomain. Additionally, mirage passes variables to containers in tasks using environment variables.


Minimal Configuration

Set a single environment variable. (default is .local)

  1. mirage-ecs accepts HTTP request on "".
  2. Launch ECS task container specified subdomain by API or Web UI.
  3. Now, you can access to the task using "".

* should be resolved to mirage-ecs webapi.

Launch a mirage-ecs on ECS

mirage-ecs is designed to work as an ECS service deployed under an Application Load Balancer (ALB).

An example of terraform configuration for deploying mirage-ecs is terraform/.

An example of task definition of mirage-ecs is ecs-task-def.json.

Pre build container images are available at


  • awsvpc network mode.
  • A public IP address or NAT Gateway or VPC endpoints to call AWS APIs.
  • IAM Permissions to launch ECS tasks, and report metrics and get logs.
    • iam:PassRole
    • ecs:RunTask
    • ecs:DescribeTasks
    • ecs:DescribeTaskDefinition
    • ecs:DescribeServices
    • ecs:StopTask
    • ecs:ListTasks
    • cloudwatch:PutMetricData
    • cloudwatch:GetMetricData
    • logs:GetLogEvents
    • route53:GetHostedZone (optional for mirage link)
    • route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets (optional for mirage link)
    • s3:GetObject (optional for loading config/html files from S3)
    • s3:ListBucket (optional for loading html files from S3)

See also terraform/

Using Web Interface

  1. Access to mirage web interface via "".
  2. Press "Launch New Task".
  3. Fill launch options.
    • subdomain: cool-feature
    • branch: feature/cool
    • taskdef: myapp
  4. Now, you can access to container using "".
  5. Press "Terminate" button.

API Usage

Launch an ECS task using curl.

$ curl \
  -d subdomain=cool-feature \
  -d branch=feature/cool \
  -d taskdef=myapp

Terminate the task using curl.

$ curl \
  -d subdomain=cool-feature

subdomain supports wildcard (e.g. www*,foo[0-9], api-?-test).

Specification of wildcard match

mirage-ecs supports wildcard in subdomain parameter.

Matches a pattern to hostname using Go's path/#Match.

If multiple tasks match the pattern, mirage-ecs prefer the task with the earliest launch time. Not a longest match. For example,

  1. Launches a task with subdomain=foo-*.
  2. Launches a task with subdomain=foo-bar-*.
  3. Launches a task with subdomain=*-baz.

foo-bar-baz matches 1 and 2 and 3, but mirage-ecs prefer 1.

After foo-* is terminated, foo-bar-baz matches 2 and 3, but mirage-ecs prefer 2.

Full Configuration

mirage-ecs can be configured by a config file.

Write a YAML file, and specify the file by the -conf CLI option or the MIRAGE_CONF environment variable.

mirage-ecs can load config file from S3 and local file. To load config file from S3, specify the S3 URL ( s3:/example-bucket/config.yaml) to the MIRAGE_CONF environment variable.

The default configuration is same as below.

  webapi: mirage.local
  reverse_proxy_suffix: .local
    - listen: 80
      target: 80
  proxy_timeout: 0
htmldir: ./html
  - name: branch
    env: GIT_BRANCH
    rule: ""
    required: true

host section

host section configures hostname of mirage-ecs webapi and suffix of launched ECS task hostname.

  webapi:         # hostname of mirage-ecs webapi
  reverse_proxy_suffix: # suffix of launched ECS task hostname

listen section

listen section configures port number of mirage-ecs webapi and target ECS task.

    - listen: 80 # port number of mirage-ecs webapi
      target: 80 # port number of target ECS task
      require_auth_cookie: true # require auth cookie to access to target ECS task

When require_auth_cookie is true, mirage-ecs requires a cookie to access to target ECS task. mirage-ecs sets a cookie to the browser if authorized by other authentication methods. The cookie is used to authenticate the request to target ECS task. See also cookie_secret section in auth configuration.

When require_auth_cookie is false (default), mirage-ecs does not restrict access to target ECS task.

This configuration allows to specify multiple ports. mirage-ecs listens to all ports and proxies to the target ECS task.

    - listen: 3000
      target: 3000
      require_auth_cookie: true
    - listen: 5000
      target: 5000
      require_auth_cookie: false

network section

network section configures network settings of mirage-ecs reverse proxy.

  proxy_timeout: 30s # timeout of reverse proxy

proxy_timeout default is 0 (means no timeout). If proxy_timeout is not 0, mirage-ecs timeouts the request to backends after the specified duration and returns HTTP status 504 (Gateway Timeout).

parameters section

parameters section configures parameters for launched ECS task for subdomains.

The default parameter "branch" as below.

  - name: branch
    env: GIT_BRANCH
    rule: ""
    required: true

You can add any custom parameters. "rule" option is regexp string.

These parameters are passed to ECS task as environment variables and tags of the task.

default value

A parameter can have a default value. The default value is used when the parameter is not specified.

  - name: foo
    env: FOO
    default: bar
regexp rule

A parameter can have a regexp rule. The rule is used to validate the parameter value.

  - name: foo
    env: FOO
    rule: "^[a-z] $"

A parameter can have a description. The description is used to show the parameter in the web interface.

  - name: foo
    env: FOO
    description: "foo parameter"

A parameter can be required. If the parameter is required, mirage-ecs returns an error when the parameter is not specified.

This option can use with default option.

  - name: foo
    env: FOO
    required: true

A parameter defines selectable options. The options are used to create a select box in the web interface.

  - name: foo
    env: FOO
      - label: bar  # if label is not specified, use value
        value: bar
      - label: baz
        value: baz

htmldir section

htmldir section configures directory of mirage-ecs webapi template files.

See html/ directory for default template files. If you want to customize the web interface, copy the files to your directory and modify them.

Required files are below.

├── launcher.html
├── layout.html
└── list.html

htmldir allows to specify a directory path or a S3 URL.

htmldir: s3://example-bucket/html/

When a s3 URL is specified, mirage-ecs loads template files from the S3 bucket at startup.

ecs section

mirage-ecs configures ecs section automatically based on the ECS service and task of itself.

  • region is set to AWS_REGION enviroment variable.
  • cluster and network_configuration is set to same as the ECS service.
  • launch_type is set to FARGATE.
  • enable_execute_command is set to true.
  • capacity_provider_strategy is set to null.
    • If you want to use capacity provider, write the ecs section and remove launch_type.
  • default_task_definition is not set.
    • Need to specify the task definition name when launching a task.

If you want to partially override the settings, write the ecs section.

  region: "ap-northeast-1"
  cluster: mycluster
  default_task_definition: myapp
  enable_execute_command: true
  launch_type: FARGATE
        - subnet-aaaa0000
        - subnet-bbbb1111
        - subnet-cccc2222
        - sg-11112222
        - sg-aaaagggg
      assign_public_ip: ENABLED

link section

link section configures mirage link.

  hosted_zone_id: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ  # Route53 hosted zone ID
    - frontend-taskdef
    - backend-taskdef

See "mirage link" section for details.

auth section

auth section configures authentication to restrict access to webapi. The access via reverse proxy is not restricted by auth methods.

This section is optional.

mirage-ecs supports token authentication, basic authentication and Amazon OIDC authentication by Application Load Balancer for web browser access (excludes requests for /api/*). You can use multiple authentication methods at the same time.

For /api/* requests, mirage-ecs allows access by token authentication only.

If you configure multiple authentication methods, mirage-ecs checks the methods in order token, Amazon OIDC, and basic. When some method succeeds, mirage-ecs allows access.

  cookie_secret: "{{ env `MIRAGE_COOKIE_SECRET` }}"
    header: x-mirage-token
    token: "{{ env `MIRAGE_TOKEN` }}"
    claim: email
      - suffix: ""
      - exact: "[email protected]"
    username: mirage
    password: "{{ env `MIRAGE_PASSWORD` }}"

cookie_secret section

cookie_secret section configures secret key for cookie authentication.

When you configure cookie_secret, mirage-ecs sets a cookie to the browser after being authorized by other authentication methods. The cookie is used to authenticate the next request for web browser access and reverse proxy to the target ECS tasks.

When /api/* is accessed, mirage-ecs does not set a cookie to the clients. The /api/* paths allow authentication by token only.

token section

token section configures token authentication. The token is passed by specfied HTTP header.

    header: x-mirage-token
    token: foobarbaz

This configuration requires x-mirage-token: foobarbaz HTTP header to access mirage-ecs.

basic section

basic section configures HTTP Basic authentication.

    username: mirage
    password: foobarbaz

This configuration requires username and password to access mirage-ecs by Basic authentication.

amzn_oidc section

amzn_oidc section configures OIDC authentication by Application Load Balancer. See also Authenticate users using an Application Load Balancer

    claim: email
      - suffix: ""
      - exact: "[email protected]"

When ALB passes an OIDC token, mirage-ecs validates the token and checks the claim value. If the claim value matches any matchers, mirage-ecs allows access.

OIDC authentication with ALB

When you configure OIDC authentication at ALB, you must prepare two listener rules. One is for mirege webapi access with OIDC authentication, and the other is for the URLs of launched ECS tasks without OIDC authentication.

For example, if you configure OIDC authentication for*, you must configure the following listener rules.

  1.* with OIDC authentication.
  2. https://** without OIDC authentication.

Both listener rules must forward requests to a target group of mirage-ecs.

To explain the reason for this, a session cookie provided by ALB is used to authenticate the request to mirage-ecs webapi. But the cookie is not sent to launched ECS tasks because the host of the URL is different. So, you must configure the second listener rule to allow access to launched ECS tasks without OIDC authentication.

In this case, auth.cookie_secret and listen.http[].require_auth_cookie settings are useful to restrict access to launched ECS tasks.

When these settings are enabled, mirage-ecs sends an original cookie to the browser after being authorized by OIDC authentication. The cookie has a domain attribute and is also sent to launched ECS tasks. mirage-ecs validates the cookie to authenticate the request to launched ECS tasks.

mirage link

mirage link feature enables to launch and terminate multiple tasks that have the same subdomain.

This feature helps launch so many containers that have the same subdomain. (A single ECS task can only have up to 10 containers)

mirage link works as below.

  • Launch API launches multiple tasks that have the same subdomain.
    • /api/launch accepts multiple taskdef parameters for each tasks.
  • mirage-ecs puts to DNS name of these tasks into Route53 hosted zone.
    • e.g. {container-name}.{subdomain}.{hosted-zone} A {tasks IP address}

For example,

  • hosted zone: ```
  • First task (IP address has container proxy.
  • Second task (IP address has container app.
  • Subdomain: myenv

mirage-ecs puts the following DNS records.

  • A
  • A

So the proxy container can connect to the app with the DNS name

To enable mirage link, define your Route53 hosted zone ID in a config.

  hosted_zone_id: your route53 hosted zone ID

API Documents

mirage-ecs provides the following APIs.

POST APIs are accepts parameters from a request body as content-type: application/json.

For v1 backward compatibility, -compat-v1 cli flag enables accepting application/x-www-form-urlencoded. But this feature may cause CSRF vulnerability. We recommend to use application/json only (v2 defaults).

GET APIs only accept URL query parameters.

GET /api/list

/api/list returns list of running tasks.

  "result": [
      "id": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:12345789012:task/dev/af8e7a6dad6e44d4862696002f41c2dc",
      "short_id": "af8e7a6dad6e44d4862696002f41c2dc",
      "subdomain": "b15",
      "branch": "topic/b15",
      "taskdef": "dev:756",
      "ipaddress": "",
      "created": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
      "last_status": "PENDING",
      "port_map": {
        "nginx": 80
      "env": {
        "GIT_BRANCH": "topic/b15",
        "SUBDOMAIN": "YjE1"
      "id": "arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task/dev/d007a00bf9a0411ebbcf95291aced40f",
      "short_id": "d007a00bf9a0411ebbcf95291aced40f",
      "subdomain": "bench",
      "branch": "feature/bench",
      "taskdef": "dev:641",
      "ipaddress": "",
      "created": "2023-03-13T00:29:08.959Z",
      "last_status": "RUNNING",
      "port_map": {
        "nginx": 80
      "env": {
        "GIT_BRANCH": "feature/bench",
        "SUBDOMAIN": "YmVuY2g="

POST /api/launch

/api/launch launches a new task.

Form parameters

Content-Type must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  • subdomain: subdomain of the task. (required)
  • taskdef: ECS task definition name (maybe includes revision) for the task. (required)
  • extra parameters: Additional parameters for the task. (optional, defined in config file parameters section)
    • branch: branch is appended to extra parameters automatically.

JSON parameters

You can also specify parameters as JSON. Content-Type must be application/json.

  "subdomain": "bench",
  "taskdef": ["dev:641"],
  "branch": "feature/bench",
  "parameters": {
    "launched_by": "foo"


  "result": "accepted"

Extra parameters

Extra parameters are passed to ECS task as environment variables. For example, if you define the following parameters in config file, and launch a task with launched_by=foobar parameter, mirage-ecs launches a task with GIT_BRANCH=main and LAUNCHED_BY=foobar environment variables.

  - name: branch
    env: GIT_BRANCH
    rule: ""
    required: true
    default: main
  - name: launched_by
    env: LAUNCHED_BY
    rule: ""
    required: false

mirage-ecs also add SUBDOMAIN environment variable to the task.

  • (v0 and v1) SUBDOMAIN contains a base64 encoded value of subdomain parameter.
  • (v2) SUBDOMAIN contains a raw value of subdomain parameter. -compat-v1 cli flag enables v0,v1 behavior.

mirage-ecs tags the ECS task with following keys and values.

  • ManagedBy=mirage-ecs
  • Subdomain={base64 encoded subdomain}
  • branch={branch}
  • launched_by={launched_by}

The tag value of Subdomain is the base64 encoded value of the subdomain parameter always because some special characters(for example, *) are not allowed in tag values.

GET /api/logs

/api/logs returns logs of the task.

Query parameters:

  • subdomain: subdomain of the task.
  • since: RFC3339 timestamp of the first log to return.
  • tail: number of lines to return or all.
    "result": [
      "2023/03/13 00:29:08 [notice] 1#1: using the \"epoll\" event method",
      "2023/03/13 00:29:08 [notice] 1#1: nginx/1.11.10",

POST /api/terminate

/api/terminate terminates the task.

Form parameters

  • subdomain: subdomain of the task.

  • id: task ID of the task.

  • subdomain and id are exclusive. If both are specified, id is used.

  • id is a short ID of the task(e.g. af8e7a6dad6e44d4862696002f41c2dc) or Arn of the ECS task.(e.g. arn:aws:ecs:ap-northeast-1:123456789012:task/dev/af8e7a6dad6e44d4862696002f41c2dc)

JSON parameters

  "subdomain": "bench"


  "id": "d007a00bf9a0411ebbcf95291aced40f"


  "result": "ok"

GET /api/access

/api/access returns access counter of the task.

Query parameters:

  • subdomain: subdomain of the task.
  • duration: duration(seconds) of the counter. default is 86400.
  "result": "ok",
  "duration": 86400,
  "sum": 123

POST /api/purge

/api/purge terminates tasks that not be accessed in the specified duration.

Form parameters

  • excludes: subdomains of tasks to exclude termination. multiple values are allowed.
  • exclude_tags: tags of tasks to exclude termination. multiple values are allowed.
    • format is Key:Value
    • See also /api/launch.
  • exclude_regexp: A regexp of subdomains to exclude termination.
    • This value is compiled by regexp package.
  • duration: duration(seconds) of the counter. required. minimum is 300 (5 min).

JSON parameters

  "excludes": ["foo", "bar"],
  "exclude_tags": ["branch:preview"],
  "exclude_regexp": "^(foo|bar)",
  "duration": 86400

mirage-ecs counts access of all tasks the same as /api/access API internally. If the access count of a task is 0 and the task has an uptime over the specified duration, terminate these tasks.

For example, if you specify duration=86400, mirage-ecs terminates tasks that meet the following conditions both.

  • Not be accessed in the last 24 hours.
  • Uptime over 24 hours.

This API works ansynchronously. The response is returned immediately. mirage-ecs terminates tasks in the background.

Note: duration accepts a value of integer or string. You can also specify by string type, for example, {"duration":"86400"}.


  "result": "accepted"


mirage-ecs requires ECS Long ARN Format for tagging tasks.

If your account do not enable these settings yet, you must enable that.

$ aws ecs put-account-setting-default --name taskLongArnFormat --value enabled


The MIT License (MIT)

(c) 2019 acidlemon. (c) 2019 KAYAC Inc. (c) 2019 fujiwara.