I'm a Google Women Engineer(WE) Scholar. I love exploring the latest technologies and open source projects. Let's collaborate to create something amazing!
🔭 I’m currently working on Making a low-resource LLM
🌱 I’m currently learning DSA, Web and App Development, Advanced NLP and Cloud Computing
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on AIML and Open Source Projects
💬 Ask me about DSA, Microsoft Azure, CyberSecurity, NLP, CV, Soft Skills
📫 How to reach me https://www.linkedin.com/in/aarohipanicker
⚡ Fun fact: I like to think of myself as a 'social puzzle enthusiast' because just like a challenging puzzle, it may take a bit of time to figure me out and become friends. But hey, once you've cracked the code, you've got a friend for life!