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Procedural modeling in Blender using Node Editor


BlenderArtist Thread:
Intro & Tutorials:
Trello (Project Tracker):


Sorcar is a procedural modeling node-based system which utilises Blender and its Python API to create a visual programming environment for artists and developers. Heavily inspired by Side-FX Houdini, it presents a node editor with a variety of modular nodes to make the modelling workflow easier and fast. Most of the nodes are blender internal operations (bpy.ops.mesh/object) which also makes it easier for frequent blender users to manipulate geometry. It helps the users to quickly create 3D models and control node parameters to generate limitless variations in a non-destructive manner. It also provides the users to view and edit mesh on any stage of the node network independently, with realtime updates.

Release & Instructions

Latest Release (v3.1.4)
Requirement: Blender 2.80 or later

  1. Download the zip file and install it as a Blender addon (Edit -> Preferences... -> Add-ons-> Install...)
  2. Open Sorcar Node Editor (Do not remove the 3D viewport as it is required by some operations like extrude, transform, ...)
  3. Click on the button to create a new tree
  4. Press Shift A to open the nodes menu. Alternatively, navigate through tabs on the Right panel in the node editor
  5. Select the desired node and press "Set Preview"

Open blender using a command prompt to view logs and errors, if encountered.



Don't like programming?

Construct geometries using custom algorithms, maths or generate patterns without writing a single line of code!

Want to change cylinder vertices after bevel?

Edit node parameters at any point without the fear of losing mesh data. Also apply same procedural operations to different objects easily.


Quick as the wind...

Drive a parameter using current frame value (or manually change it) and see the mesh update in viewport.

Need multiple extrusions of random amount?

Generate variations in mesh by using seed-controlled pseudorandom numbers. Use loops to handle repeatitive operations with same level of randomness.


Modify, Save, Repeat...

Use frame number to drive seed value and batch export the meshes in different files.

At your service!

A growing list of functions available as nodes (operators & scene settings) including custom inputs, selection & transform tools, modifiers and component level operators.

  • Simplified node sockets with internal data conversion for the convenience of users.
  • Colour-coded nodes (preview, error, invalid inputs etc.) for easier debugging.
  • Multi-level heirarchy & auto-registration of classes for easy development of custom nodes in any category (existing or new).

and more...!


sc_inputs Inputs
Primitive Meshes (Cube, Cylinder, Sphere, ...), Import FBX, Custom Object from the scene
sc_transform Transform
Set/Add/Randomize transform (Edit/Object mode), Apply transform, Create custom orientation
sc_selection Selection
Manual, invert/toggle, loops, random, similar components or by their property (location, index, normal, material, ...)
sc_deletion Deletion
Delete/Dissolve selected components (or loops)
sc_component_operators Component Operators
Bevel, Decimate, Extrude, Fill, Inset, Loop Cut, Merge, Offset Loop, Poke, Screw, Spin, Subdivide, UV Map
sc_object_operators Object Operators
Duplicate, Raycast/Overlap, Merge, Scatter, Shading, Viewport Draw Mode
sc_modifiers Modifiers
Array, Bevel, Boolean, Build, Cast, Curve, Decimate, Remesh, Skin, Solidify, Subsurf, Wave, Wireframe
sc_constants Constants
Number (Float/Int/Angle/Random), Bool, Vector, String
sc_utilities Utilities
Array, String/Bool/Vector ops, Maths, Clamp, Map, Trigonometry, Scene/Component/Object Info, Custom Python Script
sc_flow_control Flow Control
For loop, For-Each loop, If-Else Branch
sc_settings Settings
Cursor Transform, Edit Mode, Pivot Point, Transform Orientation

Upcoming Feature

  1. Improve loop nodes: Add more options to control in each pass
  2. Curve nodes: Edit spline properties, convert to mesh
  3. Named variables: Get/set values of custom variables, accessible across node trees


  1. Node Groups: Collapse big node networks into a single node with custom inputs & outputs
  2. Complete integration to dependency graph
  3. Debugging tools: Watch/track values of node parameters
  4. Node-Viewport link: Create nodes automatically in editor based on actions in 3D viewport


sc_logo sc_showcase



  • Added "Voxel Remesh" object operator node
  • Added "Raycast (Scene)" utility node (renamed "Raycast" to "Raycast (Object)")
  • Added "Instancing" & "Parent" object operator nodes
  • Added "Empty" and "Single Vertex" input nodes
  • Added "Hide/Unhide Component" and "Mark Component" nodes
  • Fixed "Element" output pin type of "Begin For-Each Loop" node
  • Fixed issue with addon activation
  • Fixed int conversion in "Shortest Path" selection nodes


  • Added "For-Each Component Loop" nodes
  • Added "Get/Set Variable" nodes
  • Added "To Sphere" transform node
  • Added "Select Vertices by Connections" selection node
  • Fixed issue with reset() attribute
  • Improved "For" & "For-Each" loop nodes
  • Improved "Select Manually" node


  • Added noise nodes (cell, fractal, voronoi, ...) in a new category "Noise"
  • Added array operation nodes (add, remove, search, ...) in a new category "Arrays"
  • Added "Material Parameter" node
  • Renamed "Edit Mode" node to "Set Selection Mode"
  • Moved "Get Element" & "Make Array" node to "Arrays" category
  • Added selection type input socket in "Set Selection Mode" node
  • Added custom overridable method for socket layout drawing
  • Removed redundant sorcar_updater folder (also added in gitignore)


  • Added addon updator by CGCookie
  • Fixed issue with realtime update checkbox in "Scene Info" node
  • New socket type: Selection Type
  • Ability to change selection type directly though selection nodes
  • Added issue templates for bug report & feature request


  • Support for Blender 2.8
  • New architecture for data flow node executions
  • Improved socket types and node hierarchy
  • Internal data conversions


And the amazing BlenderArtists community!