- 🔭 I’m Hadith Tech host.
- 🌱 Hosted 20 open source workshop in the MENA region.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am a Scout :)
- 💻 Projects: BahisQurani, Simple Store, Rat program, Turing simulator.
In the news:
- Social Media: Covering an open source contributor from MENA region (Arabic)
- Nok6a: Open source and Education, a Special interview with Abdurrahman Rajab (Arabic)
- Covering an open source contributor from MENA region (Arabic)(TV)
- GitHub Blog: Hadith tech
- TV:The Future of technology and Metaverse and AI(Arabic)
- TV: The future of AI after ChatGPT (Arabic)
- TV: Cybersecurity and stalking in AI world(Arabic)
- TV: The futrue of our world with AR/VR and AI technologies (Arabic)