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Implementation of ICML2020 accepted paper: "Explainable and Discourse Topic-aware Neural Language Understanding"

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This code consists of the implementations of NCLM framework proposed in the paper titled: "Explainable and Discourse Topic-aware Neural Language Understanding" accepted at ICML 2020 Conference

This code uses [1] github repository for topic coherence computations.


NOTE: installation of correct dependencies and version ensure the correct working of code.

Requires Python 3 (tested with `3.6.5`). The remaining dependencies can then be installed via:

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    $ python -c "import nltk;'all')"

Data preprocessing and format

NOTE: we have already supplied "apnews" dataset in "datasets" directory. "bnc" and "imdb" datasets can be downloaded from the link below.

1) Download the datasets from [2]
2) Extract the folder and transfer extracted "apnews", "bnc", "imdb" dataset directories to "datasets" directory
3) Run these command-line scripts (running these scripts will take a while):
	a) "python" 
	b) "python" 
	c) "python"
to prepare the datasets for langauge modeling task.

Now "datasets" directory will contain different sub-directories for different datasets. Each sub-directory contains CSV format files for training, validation and test sets. The CSV files in each directory is named accordingly: 
	1) training_lstm_sents.csv    -->  training data input to the NLM component    (during NLM pretraining and joint training)
	2) validation_lstm_sents.csv  -->  validation data input to the NLM component  (during NLM pretraining and joint training)
	3) test_lstm_sents.csv        -->  test data input to the NLM component        (during NLM pretraining and joint training)
	4) training_nvdm_docs_minus_sents.csv     -->  training data input to the NTM component after removing sentence s from document d     (during joint training)
	5) validation_nvdm_docs_minus_sents.csv   -->  validation data input to the NTM component after removing sentence s from document d   (during joint training)
	6) test_nvdm_docs_minus_sents.csv         -->  test data input to the NTM component after removing sentence s from document d         (during joint training)
	7) training_nvdm_docs_non_replicated.csv    -->  training data input to the NTM component     (during NTM pretraining)
	8) validation_nvdm_docs_non_replicated.csv  -->  validation data input to the NTM component   (during NTM pretraining)
	9) test_nvdm_docs_non_replicated.csv        -->  test data input to the NTM component         (during NTM pretraining)

Each sub-directory also contains two vocabulary files with 1 vocabulary token per line namely: 
	1) "vocab_nvdm.vocab"  -->  vocabulary file for NTM component
	2) "vocab_lstm.vocab"  -->  vocabulary file for NLM component

	Each "...lstm_sents.csv" file contains one sentence in each line.
	Each "...nvdm_docs_minus_sents.csv" contains document after removing sentence present in corresponding "...lstm_sents.csv" file.
	Each "...nvdm_docs_non_replicated.csv" contains one document in each line without removing anything

	"./datasets/dummy_preprocessed_data"  -->  this directory shows above-mentioned files generated using "" script for a dummy input data. 

How to use

NOTE: You need to download the following pre-trained "word2vec" and "fasttext" embeddings before running the code:
	1) "word2vec"  -->  download "GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin" binary file using this link [3]
	2) "fasttext"  -->  download the folder using this link [4] and extract it to get "wiki.en.bin" binary file
Place both of these pre-trained embeddings binary files in "./resources/pretrained_embeddings/" directory.

The script "" will train the Neural Composite Language Model (NCLM) framework and save it in a repository based on perplexity per word (PPL). It will also log all the training information in the same model folder. Here's how to use the script:
	$ python --dataset  --model  --num-cores  --learning-rate --batch-size  --validation-bs  --test-bs  --log-every  --patience  --num-steps  --docnade-validation-ppl-freq  --docnade-validation-ir-freq  --lstm-validation-ppl-freq  --lstm-validation-ir-freq  --nvdm-validation-ppl-freq  --nvdm-validation-ir-freq  --test-ppl-freq  --test-ir-freq  --num-classes  --supervised  --hidden-size-TM  --hidden-size-LM  --hidden-size-LM-char  --deep-hidden-sizes  --activation  --TM-vocab-length  --LM-vocab-length  --rnn-char-vocab-length  --use-TM-for-ir  --use-lstm-for-ir  --use-combination-for-ir  --initialize-docnade  --initialize-nvdm  --initialize-rnn  --update-docnade-w  --update-rnn-w  --pretrain-LM  --pretrain-TM  --pretrain-epochs  --pretrain-patience  --combined-training  --combination-type  --docnade-loss-weight  --lstm-loss-weight  --use-bilm  --use-char-embeddings  --use-crf  --lstm-dropout-keep-prob  --tm-dropout-keep-prob  --common-space  --concat-proj-activation  --TM-type  --TM-lambda  --softmax-type  --alpha-uniqueness  --TM-uniqueness-loss  --beta-coherence  --topic-coherence-reg  --use-topic-embedding  --use-sent-topic-rep  --use-MOR  --prior-emb-for-topics  --use-k-topics  --use-k-topic-words  
	Description about each of the above command line arguments is provided in "" file (at the bottom).
	Ready to run commandline scripts for all APNEWS, IMDB, BNC datasets have been included in this folder. There are 6 scripts in total:
		NOTE: Datasets have to be prepared before running these scripts.
		1) ""   --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "APNEWS" dataset with (1-layer, 600 hidden units) LSTM-LM
		1) ""   --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "APNEWS" dataset with (2-layer, 900 hidden units) LSTM-LM
		1) ""      --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "BNC" dataset with (1-layer, 600 hidden units) LSTM-LM
		1) ""      --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "BNC" dataset with (2-layer, 900 hidden units) LSTM-LM
		1) ""     --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "IMDB" dataset with (1-layer, 600 hidden units) LSTM-LM
		1) ""     --> script to run joint topic and language modeling for "IMDB" dataset with (2-layer, 900 hidden units) LSTM-LM
	Hyperparameter settings for different configurations of NCLM framework are provided below:

		1) LTA-NLM:
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to False
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to False
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to False
		2) ETA-NLM: 
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to True
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to False
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to False
		3) LETA-NLM:
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to True
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to True
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to False
		4) LTA-NLM  SDT:
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to False
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to False
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to True
		5) ETA-NLM  SDT:
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to True
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to False
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to True
			set argument "--use-topic-embedding" & "--prior-emb-for-topics" to True
			set global parameter "concat_topic_emb_and_prop" (in "./model/" file) to True
			set argument "--use-sent-topic-rep" to True

Directory structure for experiments and datasets

"model"  -->  this directory contains all saved models

Based on the hyperparameter settings of an experiment, the following directory structure will be generated for the experiment.

[Experiment directory]
	|------ params.json         (file with hyperparameter settings saved in JSON format)
	|------ ./model_ppl/        (directory containing model saved on the criteria of Perplexity (PPL))
	|-------./topic_coherence/  (directory containing topic coherence [1] scores using internal (training dataset itself) and external corpus (wikipedia))
	|------ ./logs/             (directory containing logs of model training and model reload)
				|------ training_info.txt     (file containing negative log-likelihood loss and PPL evaluation score on "validation dataset" during training and "test dataset" after stopping criterion is acheived)
				|------ TM_topics.txt         (file containing topics generated via NTM component)


[1] Lau, J.H., Newman, D. and Baldwin, T., 2014, April. Machine reading tea leaves: Automatically evaluating topic coherence and topic model quality. In Proceedings of the 14th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 530-539).
[2] Lau, J.H., Baldwin, T. and Cohn, T., 2017. Topically driven neural language model. arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.08012.
[3] Mikolov, T., Chen, K., Corrado, G. and Dean, J., 2013. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.3781.
[4] Bojanowski, P., Grave, E., Joulin, A. and Mikolov, T., 2017. Enriching word vectors with subword information. Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 5, pp.135-146.


Implementation of ICML2020 accepted paper: "Explainable and Discourse Topic-aware Neural Language Understanding"






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