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Security: Xiaokang2022/tkintertools

Security Policy / 安全策略

✅ Supported Versions / 支持的版本

Only the latest stable version and the version under development are supported.

Version / 版本 Supported / 受支持
Latest Stable Version / 最新稳定版本 ✔️
Development Version / 开发版本 ✔️
Other Versions / 其它版本

⚡ Reporting a Vulnerability / 报告漏洞

In general, there are no security vulnerabilities and other related issues in this project...😅 But if so, please also contact the maintainers of this project in a private way, thank you!
一般来说嘞,本项目是没得安全漏洞以及相关的问题的……😅 但如果有哈,请以非公开的方式联系本项目的维护者,谢谢啦!

There aren’t any published security advisories