Tautulli Plex Scripts
Upgrade of the original script from https://github.com/blacktwin/JBOPS
06/09/2018 - streamSubscription
Added function streamSubscription
Exemple of userConfig.ini :
friendly_name = John Doe
user_id = 18422708
subscription_end = 06/09/2018
never as value = account unlimited.
date in the following format 06/09/2018 (DAY/MONTH/YEAR) will kill the stream if date is greater than current day.
--jbop streamSubscription --sessionId {session_id} --userId {user_id}
Added functions: streamAllowed and configUser
From the terminal:
Create the configuration file with the command: python3 kill_stream.py --jbop configUser
A file "userConfig.ini" will be created in the script folder.
Exemple of userConfig.ini :
friendly_name = John Doe
user_id = 18422708
user_slot = 1 ; Maximum number of streams allowed for the selected user. Default value is 1
In Tautulli:
Notification Agents -> Script -> [Triggers -> Playback Start] [Arguments -> Playback Start]:
--jbop streamAllowed --username {username} --sessionId {session_id} --streamCount {user_streams} --userId {user_id}
Config file is automatically synced with Tautulli database. Users are added and removed according to Tautulli users list.