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Individual Project about bookshop with
Log in/out,sign up function;
Book database;
Select book through "Author,Price,Genre,material"

Frontend: HTML and CSS: Used to build the webpage structure and style.

JavaScript: Utilized for client-side interaction and dynamic page updates.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): Implements asynchronous communication with the backend using the XMLHttpRequest object.

DOM Manipulation: Dynamic manipulation of page elements through JavaScript.

Backend: Node.js: JavaScript runtime environment used for building server-side applications.

Express.js: Web application framework based on Node.js, simplifying the setup of routes, middleware, and other server-side functionalities.

MySQL: Relational database employed for storing and retrieving book information.

XHR (XMLHttpRequest): Frontend communicates asynchronously with the backend using the XHR object to fetch data and dynamically update the page.

JSON: Lightweight data interchange format used for data exchange between frontend and backend.

In summary, this application follows a typical frontend-backend separation architecture. It employs AJAX technology for data interaction between the frontend and backend. The frontend handles user interactions using JavaScript, sending requests to the backend, and updating the page content. The backend is built using Node.js, with Express.js for routing, MySQL for data storage, and JSON for lightweight data exchange between the frontend and backend.


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