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Wasp is a C library designed to make it easy to work with WebAssembly modules. Unlike tools like wabt, it is designed to be used as a library.

It also includes the wasp tool, which has the following commands:

  • wasp dump: Dump the contents of a WebAssembly module
  • wasp callgraph: Generate a dot graph of the module's callgraph
  • wasp cfg: Generate a dot graph of a function's control-flow graph
  • wasp dfg: Generate a dot graph of a function's data-flow graph
  • wasp validate: Validate a WebAssembly module
  • wasp pattern: Find instruction sequence patterns
  • wasp wat2wasm: Convert a Wasm text file to a Wasm binary file

Building using CMake (Linux and macOS)

You'll need CMake. You can then run CMake, the normal way:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build .

Building (Windows)

You'll need CMake. You'll also need Visual Studio (2019 or newer).

Note: Visual Studio 2017 and later come with CMake (and the Ninja build system) out of the box, and should be on your PATH if you open a Developer Command prompt. See for more details.

You can run CMake from the command prompt, or use the CMake GUI tool. See Running CMake for more information.

When running from the commandline, create a new directory for the build artifacts, then run cmake from this directory:

> cd [build dir]
> cmake [wasp project root] -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[config] -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[install directory] -G [generator]

The [config] parameter should be a CMake build type, typically DEBUG or RELEASE.

The [generator] parameter should be the type of project you want to generate, for example "Visual Studio 16 2019". You can see the list of available generators by running cmake --help.

To build the project, you can use Visual Studio, or you can tell CMake to do it:

> cmake --build [wasp project root] --config [config] --target install

This will build and install to the installation directory you provided above.

So, for example, if you want to build the debug configuration on Visual Studio 2019:

> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=..\ -G "Visual Studio 16 2019"
> cmake --build . --config DEBUG --target install

wasp dump examples

Disassemble all functions in a module:

$ wasp dump -d mod.wasm

Display all sections in a module:

$ wasp dump -h mod.wasm

Display the contents of the "import" section:

$ wasp dump -j import -x mod.wasm

wasp callgraph examples

Write the callgraph as a DOT file to stdout.

$ wasp callgraph mod.wasm

Write the callgraph as a DOT file to

$ wasp callgraph mod.wasm -o

You can use graphviz to convert the DOT file to an SVG:

$ dot -Tsvg -O

For example, the following wasm file:

(func $a call $b)
(func $b call $c call $d)
(func $c)
(func $d call $a call $b call $d)

Becomes this SVG:


wasp cfg examples

Write the CFG of function 0 as a DOT file to stdout.

$ wasp cfg -f 0 mod.wasm

Write the CFG of function foo as a DOT file to

$ wasp cfg -f foo mod.wasm -o

For example, the following wasm file:

(func $fac (param i64) (result i64)
  (if (result i64) (i64.eq (local.get 0) (i64.const 0))
    (then (i64.const 1))
      (i64.mul (local.get 0) (call 0 (i64.sub (local.get 0) (i64.const 1)))))))

Becomes this SVG:


wasp dfg examples

Write the DFG of function 0 as a DOT file to stdout.

$ wasp dfg -f 0 mod.wasm

Write the DFG of function foo as a DOT file to

$ wasp dfg -f foo mod.wasm -o

For example, the following wasm file:

(func $fac (param i64) (result i64)
  (if (result i64) (i64.eq (local.get 0) (i64.const 0))
    (then (i64.const 1))
      (i64.mul (local.get 0) (call 0 (i64.sub (local.get 0) (i64.const 1)))))))

Becomes this SVG:


wasp validate examples

Validate a module.

$ wasp validate mod.wasm

Validate multiple modules.

$ wasp validate mod1.wasm mod2.wasm mod3.wasm

wasp pattern examples

Print the 10 most common instruction sequences.

$ wasp pattern mod.wasm -d 10

This produces results similar to those shown below. The columns are as follows:

  1. How often the instruction sequence occurred
  2. The instruction sequence length
  3. The instruction sequence
  4. A percentage, calculated as 100 * count * sequence length / total instructions.
71333: [2] [i32.const 0 global.set 10] 4.17%
37382: [2] [end end] 2.19%
34937: [2] [i32.const 1 i32.and] 2.04%
25099: [2] [block [] block []] 1.47%
21440: [2] [i32.and if []] 1.25%
20154: [2] [i32.eqz if []] 1.18%
19883: [3] [i32.const 1 i32.and if []] 1.75%
18643: [2] [return end] 1.09%
15857: [3] [block [] block [] block []] 1.39%
15314: [2] [end local.get 0] 0.90%
total instructions: 3417737

wasp wat2wasm examples

Convert test.wat to test.wasm.

$ wasp wat2wasm test.wat

Convert test.wat to something.wasm.

$ wasp wat2wasm test.wat -o something.wasm

Convert test.wat to test.wasm, but skip validation.

$ wasp wat2wasm test.wat --no-validate

Convert test.wat to test.wasm, and enable the SIMD feature.

$ wasp wat2wasm test.wat --enable-simd