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CI Documentation

UniDi is a Dependency Injection container for Unity and a continuation of Zenject/Extenject. The UniDi is a project that seeks to refactor Zenject in order to:

  • Simplify maintenance
  • Encourage contributions
  • Split the work between multiple developers
  • Maximize extensibility

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Table Of Contents

What is a DI container?

A DI Container is a software library that provides DI functionality and automates many of the tasks involved in Object Composition, Interception, and Lifetime Management. It’s an engine that resolves and manages object graphs.


You have a few different options to install UniDi into your Unity project:

  1. Unity Package Manger Probably the easiest way. Just add the git URL and let the package manager install it for you.
  2. Manual Installation Edit the project manifest file by hand.
  3. Install from a File Download a tarball and install it as a package.

Unity Package Manager

Open the Package Manager (UPM) in Unity Windows -> Package Manager.

Select in the top-left of the UPM panel and select Add package from Git URL...

Enter in the text box and click add.

More info: Unity Manual: Installing from a Git URL.

Syntax: URL example
Latest default branch ""
Specific branch ""
Specific version (tag) ""
Commit hash ""

Manual Installation

Open Packages/manifest.json with your favorite text editor. Add the following line to the dependencies block.

  "dependencies": {
    "com.unidi.unidi": ""
  "testables": "com.unidi.unidi"

Notice: Unity Package Manager records the current commit to a lock entry of the manifest.json. To update to the latest version, change the "hash" value manually or just remove the lock entry to resolve the package.

  "version": "",
  "depth": 0,
  "source": "git",
  "dependencies": {},
  "hash": "dd5027426f3dfecf2212fa7abe26365387ad080f"

TODO: Unity Manual about

Install from file

Download and extract a release to your machine. Press 'Add package from disk...' in the Unity Package Manager and select the package.json file in the extracted folder.



UniDi automates the injection of dependencies into your classes.

Constructor Injection

public class Mage
    ISpell _spell;

    public Mage(ISpell spell)
        _spell = spell;

Field Injection

public class Mage
    ISpell _spell;

Field injection occurs immediately after the constructor is called. All fields that are marked with the [Inject] attribute are looked up in the container and given a value. Note that these fields can be private or public and injection will still occur.

Property Injection

public class Mage
    public ISpell Spell
        private set;

Property injection works the same as field injection except is applied to C# properties. Just like fields, the setter can be private or public in this case.

Method Injection

public class Mage
    ISpell _spell;
    IMana _mana;

    public void Init(ISpell spell, IMana mana)
        _spell = spell;
        _mana = mana;

Method Inject injection works very similarly to constructor injection.

Code example: Hello, World!

This code example logs a 'Hello, World!' in the console.

using UniDi;
using UnityEngine;

public class TestInstaller : MonoInstaller
    public override void InstallBindings()
        Container.Bind<string>().FromInstance("Hello, World!");

public class Greeter
    public Greeter(string message)

If you want to follow all the steps of this example, you can consult the docs TODO:here


Contributing is welcome! Create a draft when you are still working on your contribution (and don't want to have it merged) or a PR to be reviewed. Contributing guidelines


UniDi contributions are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, except for contributions copied from Extenject. See LICENSE for details.