##Project 2: DreamBucket ###Technologies used:
DreamBucket enables users to create a profile and browse, choose, and edit goals for their bucket list. In addition, it provides users in an elegant way of potential businesses that might help in achieving these goals. Businesses have similar opportunities to create profiles and browse, select, and edit goals.
###Technologies used:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript/jQuery, Materialize.css, Skeleton.css
- Node.js, Handlebars.js, Sequelize.js, MySQL Workbench, Passport.js
- Heroku Link: https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/frozen-beyond-19089
###Checkout our Screenshots
####Landing Page
####Browse Goals
####Businesses Related to Users" Goals
Find presentation here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1mueVKAcKJ49jRcFqX6RG1Hg9WD3E61_wGrvmbAkWDAg/edit#slide=id.gc6f90357f_0_5
Team: Tom, Ryan, Melissa, and Marija