is a modern C++11 HTTP Server.
has no dependency. Its only requirement is C++11
This library is still under development
//! netflex server
netflex::http::server server;
//! routes
//! /:var_name provides you a way to define URLs including variables
server.add_route({netflex::http::method::GET, "/users/:user_name/articles/:post_id",
[](const netflex::http::request& request, netflex::http::response& response) {
__NETFLEX_LOG(info, "/users/:user_name/articles/:post_id callback triggered");
__NETFLEX_LOG(info, "Headers: " + netflex::misc::printable_header_list(request.get_headers()));
__NETFLEX_LOG(info, "Params: " + netflex::misc::printable_params_list(request.get_params()));
response.set_body("What"s up?!\n");
response.add_header({"Content-Length", "12"});
//! optional middlewares
server.add_middleware([](netflex::routing::middleware_chain& chain, netflex::http::request& request, netflex::http::response& response) {
//! alter request
request.add_header({"MiddleWare-Custom-Header", "MiddleWare custom header value"});
//! proceed
//! alter response
response.set_body(response.get_body() + "Powered by Netflex\n");
response.add_header({"Content-Length", response.get_body().length()});
//! run server
server.start("", 3001);
A Wiki is available and provides full documentation for the library as well as installation explanations.
A Doxygen documentation is available and provides full API documentation for the library.
Serving HTTP requests from a C++ software might seem unconventional, but some projects do require it (and I personally already encounter such need).
However, even though C++ is getting older with a more and more complete standard library and a huge active community, tools for this kind of tasks are very limited.
A few solutions exist down the road, hopefully, including cpp-netlib
which is the main and maybe only usable C++ library providing HTTP server & client features.
However, cpp-netlib
could be lot better. Its design is pretty old, the documentation is a real mess and the resulting library is not stable enough.
aims to provide an alternative to cpp-netlib
and other smaller C++ HTTP libraries with a modern C++ design.
One of its goal is to be as much flexible as possible in order for the users to integrate it easily in their existing program while providing the core features to fulfill HTTP support.
will be compliant with the following HTTP RFC:
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Message Syntax and Routing (June 2014)
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Semantics and Content (June 2014)
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Conditional Requests (June 2014)
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Range Requests (June 2014)
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Caching (June 2014)
- RFC 7230: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP/1.1): Authentication (June 2014)
That is, NetFlex
aims to be HTTP/1.1
RFC compliant.
Support will be first provided for HTTP
, then HTTPS
in a second time and lastly HTTP/2.0
is under MIT License.
Please refer to