This is the Quake III: Arena BSP-to-AAS compiler.
You can download the latest version here.
Dead simple:
Straight from the source:
Usage: bspc [-<switch> [-<switch> ...]]
Example 1: bspc -bsp2aas /quake3/baseq3/maps/mymap?.bsp
Example 2: bspc -bsp2aas /quake3/baseq3/pak0.pk3/maps/q3dm*.bsp
bsp2aas <[pakfilter/]filter.bsp> = convert BSP to AAS
reach <filter.bsp> = compute reachability & clusters
cluster <filter.aas> = compute clusters
aasopt <filter.aas> = optimize aas file
aasinfo <filter.aas> = show AAS file info
output <output path> = set output path
threads <X> = set number of threads to X
cfg <filename> = use this cfg file
optimize = enable optimization
noverbose = disable verbose output
breadthfirst = breadth first bsp building
nobrushmerge = don"t merge brushes
noliquids = don"t write liquids to map
freetree = free the bsp tree
nocsg = disables brush chopping
forcesidesvisible = force all sides to be visible
grapplereach = calculate grapple reachabilities
File a bug report if you run into issues.
This program is licensed under the GNU Public License v2.0 and any later version.