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Resources and configuration data for JetBrains RubyMine IDE

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RubyMine resources

In this repo you will find resources for RubyMine, my primary software development tool.

NOTE: Information presented here is for RubyMine 8, and may not be relevant to other versions.

    • Generate and install File Watcher configurations easily with my script
    • Browse my collection of File Watcher examples
    • Extensive documentation of the File Watcher protocol
  • Plugins

    This is a list of the plugins I currently consider essential and install by default on any new JetBrains setup:


    • Apache config (.htaccess) support
    • Chef integration
    • File Watchers
    • Ini4Idea
    • LiveEdit
    • NodeJS
    • Polymer & Web Components


    • Markdown Navigator (PREMIUM)
    • BashSupport
    • .gitignore support
    • Bitbucket
    • CodeGlance
    • String Manipulation
    • Erlang
    • Require.js plugin
    • nginx Support
    • EditorConfig
    • Inspection-JS
    • Spell Checker English Dictionary
    • CamelCase
    • coffeescript-idea
    • PMIP - Poor Mans IDE Plugin
    • LiveTemplatePreview
    • Spell Checker English Dictionary
    • Webmaster
  • Configuration and IDE settings (OS X)


    Information here is taken mainly from the official JetBrains documentation.

    Note: <VERSION> represents the RubyMine release version in a single string where first digit is the major version, and the second is the minor version, e.g. 80 for version 8.0.x.

    Java Virtual Machine settings

    Settings for the JVM used by RubyMine are defined in the file $RUBYMINE_HOME/bin/rubymine.vmoptions. To override the defaults, create a rubymine.vmoptions file in the config dir, which is located at ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMine<VERSION>/ by default (or at location specified by idea.config.path). The ENV variable RUBYMINE_VM_OPTIONS may also be used to specify a path to the .vmoptions file, but its unknown if this is supported currently.

    Setting Description Default
    -XX:InitialHeapSize Initial memory allocation for JVM heap 128m
    -XX:MaxHeapSize Max memory allocation for JVM heap 512m
    -XX:PermSize Initial memory allocation for JVM permanent heap (class objects) 64m
    -XX:MaxPermSize Max memory allocation for JVM permanent heap (class objects) 64m
    -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize Max memory allocated to the code cache 32m
    -XX: UseCodeCacheFlushing Automatically flushes code cache if full true
    -XX: UseCompressedOops Enables optimization for 64-bit machines true
    -XX: DoEscapeAnalysis Performance optimization
    -XX: UseFastAccessorMethods Performance optimization
    -XX: UseStringCache Enables caching of commonly-used strings
    -XX: UseCompressedStrings Performance optimization
    -XX: OptimizeStringConcat Performance optimization
    -XX: UseParNewGC Performance optimization for multi-core machines false

    See this blog post for more info about JVM configuration options.

    Global IDE settings (IDEA properties)

    System settings for RubyMine are defined in the file $RUBYMINE_HOME/bin/ To override the defaults, create an file in the config dir, which is located at ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMine<VERSION>/ by default (or at location specified by idea.config.path). The file location may also be specified using either of the ENV variables RUBYMINE_PROPERTIES and IDEA_PROPERTIES.

    Property Description
    idea.home IDE installation location
    idea.config.path IDE config directory location
    idea.system.path IDE cache directory location
    idea.plugins.path IDE plugin directory location
    idea.log.path IDE log directory location
    idea.max.intellisense.filesize Maximum size (Kb) of file to provide code assistance for
    idea.popup.weight Defauts to heavy. Set to medium to prevent popup issues. Force default system antialiasing to be used
    idea.jars.nocopy Disables copying of library JAR files Configure to use special launcher for running processes within IDE
    idea.cycle.buffer.size Restrict console output to specified value (Kb) Force default system antialiasing to be used

    idea.popup.weight=heavy idea.dynamic.classpath=false swing.bufferPerWindow=false CVS_PASSFILE=~/.cvspass idea.smooth.progress=false idea.max.intellisense.filesize=2500 apple.awt.fullscreencapturealldisplays=false idea.cycle.buffer.size=1024 java.endorsed.dirs= sun.java2d.noddraw=true idea.jars.nocopy=true sun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false idea.fatal.error.notification=disabled sun.java2d.d3d=false apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true

    Environment variables used by RubyMine

    Variable Description Default
    RUBYMINE_HOME, IDE_HOME Location of IDE installation folder /Applications/RubyMine<VERSION>.app/Contents/
    RUBYMINE_JDK, IDEA_JDK, JDK_HOME, JAVA_HOME Location of the Java VM to use with RubyMine $JAVA_HOME
    RUBYMINE_PROPERTIES, IDEA_PROPERTIES Location of the global IDE settings file

    Important files and directories

    Global IDE configuration

    User IDE/Project settings

    Description File path Configuration value
    Main product directory ~/.RubyMine<VERSION> idea.home
    Settings and config files ~/Library/Preferences/RubyMine<VERSION> idea.config.path
    Plugins ~/Library/Application Support/RubyMine<VERSION> idea.plugins.path
    Caches, logs, history ~/Library/Caches/RubyMine<VERSION> idea.system.path
    Logs ~/Library/Logs/RubyMine<VERSION> idea.log.path

    Project settings


Resources and configuration data for JetBrains RubyMine IDE






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