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This Github Repository is for ESP8266 device which can measure data from sensors and upload them on GoogleDrive Sheets. Footprint of this device is 1x1 inch(25.4mm x 25.4mm)

Order PCB

OSH park

Komponents needed

Price calculation

Component Price per 3 units
PCB 5$
ESP8266 6.09$
DS18B20 3,78$
DHT22 8,34$
BMP180/BMP180 Modul 5.4$/3,78$
LDR 1.26$
100n capacitor (0805) 3.31$
10k resistors (0805) 1.26$
1k resistors (0805) 1.26$
4k7 resistors (0805) 1.26$
----------------------- -------------------
Total: 36,96$ / 35,34$