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SpotX Docs

Before you edit/correct this docs, read this

  • All the files for Guide is inside guide directory
  • All the files for FAQ is inside faq directory
  • Don't edit files in any other directory other than above two, unless you intend to change website structure or styling!

Tech Used

To Add a Page

  • Create <serial-no>_<page-name>.md in desired directory (guide or faq), ex: /guide/advanced-guides/
  • You can use basic markdown syntax, refer this for details
  • Sidebar entries are automatically generated with default or preferred label (sidebar_label below)
  • Try to follow recommended format for every file for best results:
sidebar_position: 2 # optional
sidebar_label: Getting Started # optional

id: getting-started # recommended 
title: Getting Started # recommended
description: Create a doc page with rich content. # optional
slug: /getting-started-page # optional

<!-- Below head tag block is completely optional, it's not required in normal pages, it is ony added for super important pages -->
  <html className="some-extra-html-class" />
  <body className="other-extra-body-class" />
  <title>Head Metadata customized title!</title>
  <meta charSet="utf-8" />
  <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />

# Heading


## Sub heading, it will be listed in TOC, menu on the right side



  • sidebar_position: Position of page in sidebar, it can also be achieved by prefixing name with serialised numbers,,, ...
  • sidebar_label: Label text in the sidebar, Use if you want a different text as label. By default it is same as Heading
  • id: Unique identification for page
  • slug: Custom slug for page default it is automatically generated
  • title and description: These values are added to html head

Refer [1], [2] and [3] for detailed explanation

To Create a Category

  • Nested directories will turn into category in sidebar, read this to understand folder structure

  • create a directory or nested directory inside guide or faq directories

  • Add _category_.json (or .yml) in the following format:

        "position": 2,
        "label": "Tutorial",
        "collapsible": true,
        "collapsed": false,
        "className": "red",
        "link": {
            "type": "generated-index",
            "title": "Tutorial overview",
            "description": "Tutorial guides"

Refer this for YAML format

  • Create .md files inside it