- Perth, Western Australia
The original sources of MS-DOS 1.25, 2.0, and 4.0 for reference purposes
🔒 Memorable site for testing clients against bad SSL configs.
ASP.NET Core OData: A server library built upon ODataLib and ASP.NET Core
Australian English Dictionary for Firefox, Thunderbird and hopefully more soon!
A web-based tool to view, edit, format, and validate JSON
A simpler (and smaller) rewrite of Google Android's libphonenumber library in javascript
Script for testing shieldin Elite Dangerous
Part guillotine, part graveyard for Google's doomed apps, services, and hardware.
A simple JQuery console emulator
An easy to set up and use SSH honeypot, a fake SSH server that lets anyone in and logs their activity
Cowrie SSH/Telnet Honeypot https://cowrie.readthedocs.io
Sample code is available for download and covers different languages and platforms. You are actively encouraged to expand and enhance the offerings available here. You need a GUID to run the sample…
Enables your project to utilize functionality provided by other (Microsoft) libraries that normally are not available in a Partial Trust environment like the Microsoft Dynamics CRM sandbox process.
Dialog Builder allows you to create fully customisable dialogs and popups in Dynamics 365.
This is a utility allowing admins of Dynamics CRM Online & onPrem to edit organization database settings (aka: OrgDBOrgSettings). This allows you to edit your settings without using the command lin…
Converts your LinkedIn Profile page to a printable Resume page with just one click.
Cloudy Vision is an open source tool to test the image labeling capabilities of different computer vision API vendors.
An incredibly fast JavaScript library for Delaunay triangulation of 2D points