- 👋 Hi, I’m @SmoltingAmber
- 👀 I’m interested in data science, python programming and anything about R
- 🌱 I’m currently learning python and R with the focus on different statistical analysis methods
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...
- 📫 I can be reached through my email at [email protected]. Looking forward to meet you!
After a decade studying solid state physics and another honing skills to become a classically trained painter, I am now embarking on another new journey: trying to combine my passion for visuals and my passion for number together to explore the fascinating world of data science. So, a lot of statistics, a lot of coding, a lot of excitement and eye-opening new experiences...
I want to be engaged in the world of "big data" because from very personal experiences I am more and more convinced that now is the the time to leave behind any presumption of absolute control and universal truth and embrace an informed depiction of the big numbers and small imperfections that work together to describe reality. We as a society and particularly I myself as an aspiring data professional should learn how to include and render the more qualitative and nuanced aspects of data. We should experiment with how to visualize and tell story about uncertainty, possible errors and imperfections in our data. Data is not cold and inhumane. It is us and should be celebrated as such.