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Programming Exercises for the Analysis of Knowledge Graphs

This is a repository, which allows interested students and researchers to perform hands-on analysis of knowledge graphs. It is primarily developed as part of the knowledge graph analysis lecture of the SDA Group at the University of Bonn. However, the material itself is also useful for anyone else.

Exercise 2: Property Graph Databases

Question 1: Creating the Knowledge graph of people and their hobbies

CREATE (Tennis:Hobby {name:'Tennis'})
CREATE (Literature:Hobby {name:'Literature'})
CREATE (Anne:Person {name:'Anne'})
CREATE (Helen:Person {name:'Helen'})
CREATE (Friedhelm:Person {name:'Friedhelm'})
CREATE (Jacob:Person {name:'Jacob'})
CREATE (Nick:Person {name:'Nick',age:'3'})
CREATE (Alex:Person {name:'Alex'})
  (Anne)-[:knows {since:1998}]->(Alex),
  (Helen)-[:knows {since:2001}]->(Anne),
  (Friedhelm)-[:knows {since:2000}]->(Jacob),

Neo4j graph 1

Question 2: Answering queries

a) Find someone who can play tennis with Anne ?

Match (n:Person)
where (n:Person)-[:plays]->(:Hobby{name:'Tennis'}) 
     Or (n:Person)-[:likes]->(:Hobby{name:'Tennis'}) 
     And Not ( "Anne")
return n

b) Find people who knew each other already in 1990 ?

Match (n:Person)-[k:knows]->(x:Person)
where k.since>1990
return n,x

c) Helen can’t stand children, so with whom may she lose her contact ?

Match (:Person{name:'Helen'})-[:knows]->(x:Person)
Match (x:Person)-[:child]->(:Person)
return x

d) Who may get into a relationship based on mutual interest ?

Match (n:Person)-[:likes]->(x:Person)
Match (x:Person)-[:likes]->(n:Person)
return n,x

Question 3: Is found in the accompanied file

Contributing and Feedback

Please use the issue tracker for reporting problems and suggesting improvements. Feel free to submit pull requests for improvements of the exercises. Please send other feedback via mail to Prof. Jens Lehmmann.



The repository itself is under Apache License. For the individual libraries and tools used in the exercises, please check their license conditions.


We thank the students of the Knowledge Graph Analysis lecture in Bonn as well as the developers of the frameworks we are using for their support in creating this learning resource.