A package manager for the generic package registry in GitLab.
Every group or project in GitLab has a package registry in which generic packages can be stored and retrived from.
This project is still under development.
Packages can be pushed and pulled from a prject or group either specified in a Towfile or via the cli. The access has to be granted via a private/project access token. This token can be provided dynamicaly or saved by initializing tow.
tow can be initialized to store a access token ba calling:
tow init
Tow then prompts to provide the acess token and a password to protect it. This password has to be entered each time when pushing or pulling. Alternatively the token can be provided each time when pushing and pulling.
When pushing packages the contents of a source directory will be tared and uplodad to the base under the specified package name and version. The archive will be named afer the value in --filename
. If no value is specified the archive will be named package name with tar.gz postfix.
tow push-single --version VERSION --base GITLABBASE [ --filename PACKAGEFILENAME] --project PROJECT --src SRCDIR PACKAGENAME
An example:
tow push-single --version 1.2.0 --base http://gitlab.com --project nmaespace/project --src path/to/package/dir a_new_package
tow pull [--towfile FILE]
An example:
tow pull
tow pull --towfile Towformatedfile
When pulling packages the packages will be downloaded from base and unpacked in the current directory into towed_packages/packagename/version/. The archives will nbe stored in $HOME/.tow/.cache/. Filename musst be provided if the packaged archive is named idfferently from package name with .tar.gz postfix.
tow pull-single --version VERSION --base GITLABBASE [ --filename PACKAGEFILENAME] --project PROJECT PACKAGENAME
An example:
tow push-single --version 1.2.0 --base http://gitlab.com --project nmaespace/project a_new_package
tow push [--towfile FILE]
An example:
tow push
tow push --towfile Towformatedfile
This is a beta Towfile and might be subject to future change. The Towfile should be located in the directory where tow is executed else it has to be specified. Filename can be provided but is not necessary because it is generated automatically.
base: gitlab_baseurl
version: package_version
project: namespace/project
filename: somefilename.tar.gz # default is packagename.tar.gz and can be left
src: path/to/source/folder # all contents of this folder will be packaged and tared
# the src is only relevant for pushing packages. Packages without a src are not pushed
An example:
base: 'https://gitlab.com'
version: 0.0.1
project: namespace/project
src: path/to/source/folder
version: 0.0.2
project: namepsace/project
- clean up repository structure
- improve usability
- handle errors better
- automated tests
- handle multiple versions of same package cant be specefied (yml)
- add proper caching strategy options
- automated tests for functionality