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Truffle project containing ShipChain's Solidity smart contracts


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ShipChain Smart Contracts

A Truffle Ganache environment for developing, testing, deploying smart contracts.



Development is handled via multiple Docker containers. Deployment of these containers is handled through the use of Docker Compose with the provided files in the compose directory.

See the official Docker documentation for installation information:

Ganache Gui

If you want to visualize the blockchain as you're developing the contracts, download Ganache. I had issues getting the AppImage to work properly un Ubunutu Bionic. The solution was to create portable AppImage directories next to the executable.

wget -O ganache.AppImage
chmod a x ganache.AppImage
mkdir ganache.AppImage.home
mkdir ganache.AppImage.config


  • bin/dc ShipChain docker-compose wrapper. This injects the Host computer's internal Docker IP in to the containers for external connectivity (used for connecting to Host's Ganache Gui).
  • bin/ddo Runs a command in the Truffle container as your current user. This allows any generated files to be modifiable locally without changing ownership or permissions.
  • bin/truffle Shortcut to run Truffle commands directly
    • compile Compiles the Solidity
    • migrate Deploys to the local Ganache docker container. This can be extended with later with a --network parameter to deploy to another defined node.
    • console Start an interactive Truffle console to execute methods in a contract.
    • test Run Solidity and JavaScript tests in the truffle/tests directory.
  • bin/truffle-gui Same as the above, but specifies --network gui for migration, testing, and console interaction. Be aware of which network you've deployed code to when you're testing.
  • bin/myth Run Mythril static code analysis against the contracts. This compiles the contracts prior to the analysis.


  1. Run bin/dc build.

  2. Run bin/ddo yarn to install the required packages.

  3. Run a ganache instance.

  • CLI

    Run dockerized ganache in daemon mode

    bin/dc up -d ganache

    Then your Truffle commands will be run with

    bin/truffle <migrate|console|test>

  • GUI

    Run Ganache locally on your host computer. In the settings, listen for connections on all interfaces.

    Then your Truffle commands will be run with

    bin/truffle --network gui <migrate/console/test>

    Or the shortcut script

    bin/truffle-gui <migrate/console/test>


After making changes to the contracts, compile them with

bin/truffle[-gui] compile


After compiling, deploy the latest version of the contracts with

bin/truffle[-gui] migrate --reset

Using the --reset option will redeploy all contracts instead of only deploying new migrations defined in the truffle/migrations directory. This is best for ongoing development as you can deploy new versions of the contracts without making a new migration file every time.


To manually invoke the contract methods in your local network, use the truffle console (a NodeJS REPL). To enter the console, use bin/truffle console. Here is an example of creating a new LoadShipment using the current LoadRegistry contract and returning the LoadShipment's Shipper:

// Get the network accounts
var accounts;
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err,res) { accounts = res; });

// Capture the deployed LoadRegistry
var registry;
LoadRegistry.deployed().then(d => {registry = d;});

// Alternately, if you know the deployed address you can use:
// var registry ="<deployed_address>");

// Create a shipment (using LoadShipment constructor) and save it in the registry

// Load the shipment from the address returned by the registry
var newAddr;
registry.getShipment("<UUID>").then(a => {newAddr = a;});
var shipment =;

// Interact with the specific instance of the LoadShipment

Exit the truffle console with .exit


Unit test with bin/truffle test (no need to run the compile and deploy commands first. They are included in thebin/truffle test.)

Static Code Analysis with bin/myth

If you start getting errors similar to this:

Error: sender doesn't have enough funds to send tx. 
The upfront cost is: 672197500000000000 and the
sender's account only has: 663666560000000000

then you need to restart your Ganache as you have run out of ETH. If you are testing with bin/truffle then use bin/dc down. If you are testing with bin/truffle-gui then restart the Ganache application.

Before testing or pushing your revisions to the git repository, you may want to run the linter by bin/ddo npm run lint, or circleci local execute --job solhint, to prevent the linter breaking your build in circleci build. Or, if you lint in your mind, skip this step. : )

If you need to test with a single test file, you can do that by bin/truffle test test/TEST_FILE_NAME.js

Style Convention

The inline documentation of the solidity source files in this project follows the NATSpec Format.

Local Security Check

To run securify locally, you can run this command,

bin/ddo npm run flatten
docker run -v $(pwd)/truffle/flat-sol:/project shipchain/securify:aef12a3

If you want to run myth locally, you can run,


if you have myth installed locally, you can run,

bin/ddo npm run flatten
cd truffle
myth analyze flat-sol/Load*.sol flat-sol/VaultNotary*.sol --max-depth 20

However, make sure you have done the first two steps of the Startup section.

Local Coverage Test

To run coverage test locally,

bin/ddo npm run coverage

Solidity docgen

To generate the markdown documentation for the NatSpec inline documentation,

bin/ddo npm run flatten
bin/ddo npm run docgen

The output file is truffle/docs/


Mermaid charts in development in truffle/LoadContract.html.

Live Editor is available.

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