So, I"ve decided to improve my animations.
It"s basically a copy-paste from a great article of Mark Allison: Compose: Strikethru Animation
If you want to draw on a Canvas as in good old days - DrawScope
is you friend. Also, an animation progress should be a lambda, not a state -- more details on this in the article.
I"ve implemented such behavior few years ago with RecyclerView. Compose code take much less space. But it"s really hard to find out, how to do it with compose. Pager from accompanist is used. And there is calculateCurrentOffsetForPage, that speaks for itself.
Use AnimatorSet to chain animations
private val animations = mutableListOf<ValueAnimator>()
private val animatorSet = AnimatorSet()
private fun startAnimation() {
val list = animations as List<Animator>?
And here is the second one, could be loading indicator for flights booking app. Try it, in real life it looks smooth, somehow converting to GIF makes it uglier.
To tint bitmap but keep transparent background - use PorterDuffColorFilter
In the same time, if you don"t want to see anything (line in this case) behind transparent background - use PorterDuffXfermode
And, don"t forget to set software layer type to your view, in other case PorterDuffXfermode will make background black.
private val planeBitmap: Bitmap
private val planePaint = Paint()
init {
planeBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources, R.drawable.airplane_white_48dp)
planePaint.colorFilter = PorterDuffColorFilter(color, PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_IN)
planePaint.xfermode = PorterDuffXfermode(PorterDuff.Mode.SRC)
setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE, null)
Read more about PorterDuff.Mode
I"ve found next animation on, Roy Tan implemented it with CSS and JS, I"ve decided to try animated vector drawable.
Further reading:
Whole work could be done in a single xml file, you need kotlin (java) only to start animation. Read more: Vector drawables overview, AnimatedVectorDrawable
This example was inspired by Nick Butcher"s series on vector assets in Android.
When you are using PorterDuff, everything, what is already on a canvas, is considered as destination. To separate progress background and use only progress itself as destination (e.g. as mask for a gradient), one could use Canvas.saveLayer()
and canvas.restore
Glow effect is reachable simply with Paint.setShadowLayer()
Further reading:
This example is compilation of A glowing progress ring with rounded ends for Android and this answer on SO